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One of many reasons of why we are fighting

:no: - at both the horrific crimes (which were conveniently ignored for 20 years), and that this is then being used as propaganda to support an ill-thought-out invasion.
It's been ignored for the last 20yrs because of the narrow minded international community.
I wouldn't go so far as to call the international community "narrow minded", but they do seem to be awfully vocal on matters where they are not directly impacted.

I wonder how opposed the French would be if a terrorist took down the Eiffel Tower, or how opposed the Australians would be if some sick radical decided to blow up the Sydney Opera House.

Of course, maybe Austrailians don't really care that much about their country's most recognizable symbol that they need to worry about outsiders doing something to it.
So an enemy of Hussein blows up one of America's most recognisable symbols, and as the US can't find Osama, they decide to go biff Hussein. Go figure. So that analogy doesn't quite work.

And we have been hit - by the Bali bombings. The most Australian bar, in a holiday destination that's almost entirely Australian - and yet 1/20 of our population still marched on the streets in one weekend to stop this war.
Originally posted by Learning To Fly
So an enemy of Hussein blows up one of America's most recognisable symbols, and as the US can't find Osama, they decide to go biff Hussein. Go figure. So that analogy doesn't quite work.

it was never a 2nd thought that we went after saddam.. it was stated in the very beginning the US's war was on terrorism.. it was to be aimed at all organizations or nation states that supported such actions. Iraq HAS ALWAYS been a target. never an afterthought..
In Northern Iraq there is a terrorist group named Ansar al-Islam that is currently being targetted by our strikes and by special forces. This terrorist group in the North not only has links to Al Qaeda, but has even been directly funded by them and "front groups" inside the United States. They are now being broken apart, and a large quantity of them are now dead as seen on Al Jazeera TV.
Thought I would post this link, since State Run Iraqi TV (also viewable via Al Jazeera) showed today multiple dead americans that have been executed/assasinated as well as prisoners of war being interrogated on TV (illegal according to Geneva Convention Saddam said he was all for and promised to adhere to) who do not look well at all. This has all been done 12 years ago, and it's being done again. Here you are:

Rules relating to the conduct of combatants and the protection of prisoners of war


Note 1: These rules go for all nations, regardless if they are a direct signer or not.

Note 2: Multiple Iraqi's have attempted to pull fake surrenders and wave white flags and then attempted to fire their munitions killing several and making POW's out of others. This is also against the Geneva Convention.

Note 3: Human Shields have been reportedly forced into specific buildings in and around Baghdad. This is also against international law.
Remember that they also hold an unknown amount of people from Iran since the late 1970's, as well as over 600 Kuwaiti citizens that they still haven't given back.

Do I even need to go over what Iraqi soldiers have done to women and children when they marched into Kuwait in 1990 such as the raping, burning down of houses, shooting of children, sharp gunnery instruments placed in certain parts of the anatomy, etc?
Originally posted by Learning To Fly
:no: - at both the horrific crimes (which were conveniently ignored for 20 years), and that this is then being used as propaganda to support an ill-thought-out invasion.

I'm not even going to go into detail regarding my feelings on the war, because I honestly don't have time to argue the point.....

....but I just want to say, BOTH sides have propaganda related to the war, not just those in favor of the war.

Also, just because something is propaganda, does not make it false or insignificant.