How do you guys feel about Online Eduction, such as online courses, or fully online school? I currently attend a completely online school for college. It's proving to be a bit challenging and a little time consuming as the participation requirements want you to be online on three separate days to respond to other students discussion board posts on top of being in the online seminars. Other than that the course work seems legit and easy to do thus far. I'm currently taking an Introduction to Management class and a Database Concepts with Microsoft Office Class.
I've always preferred getting out of the house for my education - a couple of my tutors had actually really helped me out with things that weren't school/college related which I'm highly grateful for - I probably wouldn't have received that help had I not gone to the educational institute. It also got me out of the house when I had issues at home and allowed me to focus on my coursework, dissertations and revision. I also met some really nice people there that I wouldn't have met otherwise.
I'm also a strong believer that there are things that books and the internet can't teach you.
I think it's pointless. You can learn a lot using the internet, but I feel like you won't learn anything you can apply to life. You can earn all the qualifications in the world, but without true human interaction you'll be let down in that respect. There's no social aspects to it, and you can't transfer the skills you have dealing with people online to people in real life.
I don't think it's the best option. It's better to go somewhere new, meet new people and have new experiences away from your laptop. Plus, you're more likely to get showered in the mornings if you don't do online courses.
I have heard a lot about online school and know some people that are in it, but it wouldn't be good for me. I am very antisocial in real life as it is going to a public school so taking online classes instead would make things even more difficult for me in the real world. I might prefer it, but it's not a good idea for me.
Meh, I think it'd be better for me to actually go to the school for classes, because I used to be very social, and being on the computer cramps me from being social. However, it can be a bit of a blessing if you're working a job, or you have other responsibilities. I might try out a college course online to see how it is though.
honestly, i took one online class and barely passed because i forgot about the class, but also like you can get someone to do your work and i had to go to school every friday to turn in homework and take a quiz not cool, because i forgot to go twice
Online wouldn't work for me because I wouldn't have anything to force me to get the work done. If it weren't for actually having to be in class I'd totally forget about it all. I think it's great for those who have that kind of self discipline when it comes to schoolwork though.