Alright guys. I need your webmaster skills and knowledge to help me solve this one. I have a blog that has been alive since November 2012 and has never ranked in Google. If you check is listed as N/A.
Now this blog is very original and I spend a lot of time making quality and long articles. It's not spammy. It's not full of links. In fact it's no different from any other site I've ran and have ranked up in.
After reading a few articles I feared perhaps I was Google Banned. Kinda of ridiculous but what else should I think? So I contacted Google and requested a re-evaluation of my blog. According to Google I am not Google banned and in addition they reviewed the site and found no violations of the Google ToS.
Now I'm stumped. What could possibly be left??!
I can't understand why it wont rank in Google and I don't know whether it is hurting the site or not. Can anyone help me brainstorm and solve this one?