Osama Bin Laden Killed


Legend Of The Universe
PF Member
WASHINGTON (AP) — Osama bin Laden is dead and the U.S. has his body, a person familiar with developments has told the Associated Press.
The White House said President Barack Obama is making a late-night statement but did not announce the topic.
Officials say the statement could come as early as 10:30 p.m. EDT.
It is highly unusual that the president would make a late-night statement...

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When I first heard about this, I initially thought this was some kind of hoax, so I actually looked this up on some credible news sources, and it is indeed TRUE! Maybe our troubles with the Middle-East will be lessened now that he is gone?
Good riddance!
Ok I thought it was just a rumour as America have told us a few years ago that they had killed him only to have bin laden post up a video message 2 days later.
Until I saw his body and everyone's tweets on twitter about his death. Some of the tweets were downright gross. The others were spot on.
I watched the news last night and listened to what the president had to say about Bin Laden and on his command special ops went in and killed him. Wonder if this will mean our troops will come home.

Thanks for the warning Monster! Will be very careful of this.

Also, thanks Brandon for posting the video of Obama's presidential announcement on this.
It would be nice if the US troops could come home since this happened, but we must be very careful to not do this too quickly- there will very likely be a risk of retaliation attacks from the remaining Al-Qaeda members since Bin Laden's death has been made very public. Or maybe this will break up the Al-Qaeda! There's a lot that could happen because of this.
Glad that this horrible man has finally been put to justice!
Sadly my guess is that our terrorist troubles will only increase. To us Osama was nothing but a terrorist. To his flock, he held a Pope like position. Imagine what would happen if someone shot the Pope.

It's nuts that it took us 10 years to find this guy but I'm glad he's finally been taken out of commission.
Bin Laden has just been a figure head for years. Just because one lunatic is dead doesnt mean there are not countless others in that terrorist group that dont want us all dead or turned to their religion. The fight has just begun to destroy terrorism. But its a good day for America that we took his life. Another but is I want to see pictures of his dead body. Trust but verify.
It's a good thing he's gone, but the dancing in the streets thing turned me off a bit. I guess I'm just not very vengeful

Our troops will stay right where they are. Bin Laden was one man from and organisation that is famed for acting independently of each other. Expecting this event to end terrorism is like expecting it to end hate or prejudice. The world is much more complex, and much more set toward chaos and disruption.
It's a good thing he's gone, but the dancing in the streets thing turned me off a bit. I guess I'm just not very vengeful

Our troops will stay right where they are. Bin Laden was one man from and organisation that is famed for acting independently of each other. Expecting this event to end terrorism is like expecting it to end hate or prejudice. The world is much more complex, and much more set toward chaos and disruption.

I dont see it any different then when Americans were dancing in the streets after Germany surrendered and Hitler was dead. People needed this kind of good news with the world basically on fire then and now. And right here in our own country the dollar going down the toilet. The horrible economy, high gas prices, high food prices and higher clothing prices. It was a good temporary tension reliever.

And right here in our own country the dollar going down the toilet. The horrible economy, high gas prices, high food prices and higher clothing prices.

Have you ever seen the I, Robot movie? $23.25 for a beer in 2035? Perhaps very prophetic...

But it's not just in the US; in the EU, we have a similarly high inflation ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — Osama bin Laden is dead and the U.S. has his body, a person familiar with developments has told the Associated Press.
The White House said President Barack Obama is making a late-night statement but did not announce the topic.
Officials say the statement could come as early as 10:30 p.m. EDT.
It is highly unusual that the president would make a late-night statement...

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I'm proud of the troops - I heard about this while I was riding with one of my friends. Glad to see him dead now... Now do you think the war will be beef'd up?
An interesting ZDF interview with a correspondant from Pakistan (German)

Roughly translated (with German transcription in small print), emphasis mine:

Unser Korrespondent Peter Kunz steht in Abottabad vor dem Haus, in dem Osama bin Laden mehrere Jahre lebte, und wo er von den US Soldaten auch erschossen wurde.

Our correspondant Peter Kunz is standing in Abottabad in front of the house in which Osama bin Laden lived for several years and where he has was shot by US soldiers.

Q: Peter, man hört hier immer mehr von der Aktion der Navy Seals. Nach pakistanischen Medienberichten soll die zwölfjaehrige Tochter bin Ladens gesagt haben, man habe ihn festgenommen und dann erschossen, wissen Sie mehr darüber?

Q: Peter, we keep hearing more and more about the Navy Seals mission. According to Pakistani media reports, the twelve-year-old daughter of bin Laden reputedly said he had been arrested and then shot, do you know more about that?

A: Ich gehe mit dieser Information mehr als nur vorsichtig um. Da zitiert jemand einen, der wiederum einen zitiert, der von einem gehört haben soll, was der pakistanische Geheimdienst angeblich erfahren hat. Die Welt ist brutal, mal ganz im Ernst, kann man sich wirklich vorstellen, dass so eine geheime Kommandosache durchgeführt wird, und die Navy Seals lassen dann eine Zeugin, die eine Hinrichtung, eine absichtliche Hinrichtung beobachtet hat, hier zurück, mit Plastikhandschellen gefesselt, dass die pakistanischen Behörden sie dann in Empfang nehmen können und dann kann sie es ihnen und der Welt erzählen, wie es wirklich war, also, ich kann mir das ehrlich gesagt nicht vorstellen, nicht in dieser Form. Vielleicht gab es ja einen Zeugen, und tatsächlich eine Tochter, die was beobachtet hat und auch den Schuss gesehen hat. Insgesamt, sind, hören wir, 22 Frauen und Kinder hier unverletzt, eine verletzte Frau gab es ja, also 21 Unverletzte, festgenommen worden, die dann von den pakistanischen Behörden abtransportiert wurden, in Gewahrsam sind, und die Pakistanis sagen, man würde sie dort gut behandeln.

A: I'm treating this information with more than caution. Someone quotes somebody, who in turn quotes somebody, who is said to have heard what the Pakistani secret service reputedly had learnt. This world is brutal, in all seriousness, can you really imagine that such a secret mission is comitted, and that the Navy Seals then would let a witness who watched an execution, an intentional execution, stay here, left behind, handcuffed with plastic handcuffs, so that the Pakistani officials can receive her and then she could tell them and the world what really happened, well, in all honesty, I cannot imagine that, not in this form. Perhaps there was a witness, and perhaps a daughter, who watched something and has seen this shot. In total, we've heard, there are 22 women and kids here, uninjured, there was one woman injured, so 21 uninjured, who had been arrested and then been transported away by Pakistani officials, into detention, and that the Pakistani say they would be treated well.

Q: Wie entwickelt sich denn die Stimmung in der Bevölkerung Pakistans, denn die Diskussionen darum, dass die Amerikaner die Souveränitaet des Landes verletzt haben, ebbt ja nicht ab?

Q: How is the mood in the population of Pakistan developing, because the discussion about that the Americans would have hurt the souvereignty of the country doesn't ebb down?

A: Wir treffen hier niemanden, der glaubt, dass das wirklich Osama bin Laden war, der hier in diesem Haus gelebt hat. Tatsächlich, jeder, mit dem man spricht, sagt, das ist alles ganz anders, jeder hat seine eigene Theorie. Eben kam der Zeitungsverkäufer auf dem Fahrrad am Haus vorbei, da hat ein gebildeter älterer Mann die Odo-Zeitung gekauft, also die Landessprache und die englischsprachigen Zeitungen auch. Der hat seine eigene Vorstellung, wie es war. Der sagt, das war ein Drama inszeniert für Obama's Wiederwahl im 10. Jahr nach dem 11. September, das ist sozusagen der Abschluss des Kapitels Osama bin Laden gewesen, oder soll so dargestellt werden, wie großes Theater für die Welt, weil man ihn nicht gefunden hat, weil er vielleicht auch schon tot ist. Wir erinnern uns, es gab diese Gerüchte ja vor Jahren, dass der nierenkranke Osama bin Laden vielleicht auch nicht mehr lebt, also es schießt ins Kraut, und tatsächlich mehren sich die Stimmen, die sagen, "wir sind jetzt mit Amerika im Krieg, das hätten die so nicht machen dürfen".

A: We meet no-one here who believes that it was really Osama bin Laden who lived in this house. In fact, everyone with whom you're talking, says it's very different, everyone has their own theory. Just now, the newspaper man came on a bike past the house, and an educated elderly man bought his Odo newspaper, in his own language, and the English-language newspapers as well. He has his own view on what happened. He says, it was a drama staged for Obama's re-election in the 10th year after September 11th, a conclusion, so to speak, for the chapter Osama bin Laden, or shall be portrayed as such, like a grand theater for the world, because he wasn't found, because he may already have been dead. We remember, there have been rumors years ago, that the kidney-sick Osama bin Laden perhaps doesn't live anymore. Rumors are growing uncontrollably, and in fact there are more and more voices that say "we're now at war with America, they shouldn't have done it like that".

Q: Der pakistanische Ministerpräsident hat ja die Anschuldigung, bin Laden hätte Helfer unter den pakistanischen Sicherheitskräften gehabt, auch zurückgewiesen, ganz klar zurückgewiesen. Muss er das sagen, oder glaubt er tatsächlich daran?

Q: The Pakistani prime minister has rejected, clearly rejected the accusation that bin Laden had helpers among the Pakistani security forces. Does he have to say that or does he really believe that?

A: Ich glaube, woran er glaubt, der Herr Gilani, ist, dass es viele Ebenen von Wahrheit gibt, und Wahrheiten. Das gilt für die USA vielleicht auch. Also ich glaube, es ist ausgeschlossen, dass es kein Unterstützernetzwerk gibt. Und da sind sicherlich auch Geheimdienstmitarbeiter dabei oder Ex-Geheimdienstmitarbeiter, die Osama bin Laden, die vielleicht gewusst haben, wo er sich aufhält, die zumindest in der Peripherie dafür gesorgt haben, dass sich al Kaida hier bewegen konnte. Dass der Staat Pakistan insgesamt und offiziell, wenn auch heimlich, Osama bin Laden hier geschützt hat und hier beherbergt hat, das kann ich mir persönlich nicht vorstellen.

A: I believe, that what he believes, Mr. Gilani, is, that there are many levels of truth, and truths. Perhaps this also applies to the USA. Well, I believe, it's impossible that there has been no network of helpers. And surely, that includes secret service employees or former secret service employees who Osama bin Laden, who perhaps knew, where he is, that took care at least in the peripherals that al Qaeda can move around here. That the state of Pakistan, entirely and officially, even secretively, would have protected and housed Osama bin Laden here, personally, I cannot imagine.

Vielen Dank, Peter Kunz, für diese Einschätzungen aus Abbottabad.

Thank you, Peter Kunz, for these assessments from Abbottabad.
Some weeks ago, I heard a report from Pakistan about how extreme some regions are when it comes to Islam: The slightest criticism of Islam can get you killed in some regions.

It's like poking into a hornet's nest. I hope Pakistan will keep its nukes locked up safely.
Some weeks ago, I heard a report from Pakistan about how extreme some regions are when it comes to Islam: The slightest criticism of Islam can get you killed in some regions.

It's like poking into a hornet's nest. I hope Pakistan will keep its nukes locked up safely.

That is definitely true. It's quite scary how extreme some Muslims can be about their religion, even with the slightest disagreement about it. I guess that some regions of Pakistan have mostly Shiite Muslims there, which is likely where the very extreme version of Islam is coming from.

What scares me the most about this whole thing is the chance of retaliation attacks from the Al Qaeda towards the US for killing Bin Laden... like I said before, there is a lot that can happen now, and it's hard to predict what exactly that would be... I think that the whole killing Bin Laden situation *could* be a good start in ending this war, but it's not the solution at all... it will take whole lot more than this to end a war that has been going on for nearly 10 years now.