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Pain in Hands?


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My 3yo woke up in the middle of the night with pain in his hands. He won't let anyone touch them and can clench them but says it hurts. No obvious cuts/bruises, etc. He could possibly have 5th disease as he did have the slapped cheeks look last week. It says joint pain could be a symptom but my other kids have never had anything like this. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
Not in kids... But I had problems every morning when I was pregnant. It was from swelling. Maybe drink more water?
Aww bummer, could be. Joint pain can be an issue. My little guy had something a month ago that the dr. said was fifths disease. His legs hurt him. Maybe his hands too but he couldn't really tell me at this age. I still believe he did not have fifths disease, but scarlet fever. His hands and feet peeled something awful after whatever he had. His feet are still peeling.
It sounds like you hit it with fifth disease. A neighbor kid who lived next door to the last family I worked for woke up with similiar symptoms. After several days in hospital was diagnosed with Kawasaki disease (which is not as uncommon as some doctors would like you to believe).

I would call the doc and get him looked a immediately. Good luck.
No experience with 5th disease, but my little one woke up one morning and couldn't walk. We tried to get her to walk without realizing it. We were going to a wedding so we were keeping an eye on her. She just refused to walk on it and it didn't look any different than usual. Then all of a sudden she got up and started walking. Never complained of it again. Good luck.
All three of my children had fifth's disease 2 years ago. They had the fever and rash;but no joint pain. I guess I never got it in childhood and they gave it to me! I did get the joint pain about a week later. It lasted about two weeks. It was called 'viral arthritis'. However they said that was a symptom for adults and the doctor was unfamiliar with it. I am not sure if this helps. I would call the doctor and have your child looked at.