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Parents of Special Needs children...


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Are amazing! I got to see a mom in action yesterday at my store. Her older autistic boy (15 ish?) got overstimulated looking for new shoes. She was calm, concerned for her boy and others around him and had back up help that she called. I am truly in awe of those that can rise to that level everyday. God Bless them and give them strength.
I agree. I was at a wedding this weekend and my friend's brother and sister in law have 2 special needs children--due to hospital error, but that is another story. Both boys are in wheelchairs--one has CP and the other was the one that was harmed at the hospital after birth and he also is in a wheelchair. Both parents each took one of the boys in the wheelchairs and took them out on the dance floor--twirling their chairs around. The one boy with CP LOVED it. He was clapping and laughing. Then they took the boys out of the chairs and each held one up and were dancing with them that way.

It truly brought tears to my eyes. They are both AWESOME parents and it was so obvious about their devotion to these boys. I don't think I have ever felt such an overwhelming feeling of happiness, just watching these parents with their boys. It made me ever so thankful for what I have and my "perfect" child, but yet it gave me a new appreciation for those who live everyday caring for a "special" child.