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Penalty for Bounties


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What does everyone think the penalties will be for the team? It seems like they will most likely be fined and loose at least a 1st round draft pick. I think it would be cool if they had to forfeit a win, although I think there is no way that would happen.
I see a first round draft pick possibly for some teams. Not this year though it would be next year i believe
What would making them forfeit a win accomplish?

I think you take draft picks, maybe a 1st and a 2nd depending on how bad the evidence is. You also suspend any coaches that knew and didn't stop it, and suspend any players that took or contributed to the money pool.
What would making them forfeit a win accomplish?

I mean a future win. Have them play out the season but have them forfeit one of their wins next season. Or make them inelegible for the playoffs. That might be over the top but it woud make sure it would never happen again.
If you made them ineligible for the playoffs they'd just put backups in all 16 games. That would lose the NFL a ton of money because nobody would go to, or watch the games.

Taking away a single win doesn't really mean much in the grand scheme of things. The only realistic penalties are draft picks, suspensions, and fines.
I think taking away a win for the future season would be huge. Normally playoff spots are determined by one game. Especially home field advantage in the playoffs; that would lose a lot of money for the team. Not to mention they would play an away game.
I think taking away a win for the future season would be huge. Normally playoff spots are determined by one game.

Like I said.
Taking away a single win doesn't really mean much in the grand scheme of things.

In the grand scheme of things, you might be taking a team out of the playoffs for one season.

If they take away draft picks, that will hurt the team for 3, 4, 5, maybe 6 or more years because they don't have that player they would've drafted. If you suspend players, you are punishing the players that were involved but giving the players that weren't involved a chance to still win.

The NFL doesn't want to take away something a team earned (like a win or a playoff berth) but they do want to make it more difficult to earn those things. There is a big difference.

Especially home field advantage in the playoffs; that would lose a lot of money for the team. Not to mention they would play an away game.

And that would lose money for the NFL. The NFL wants to punish individuals, not teams as a whole. If punishing individuals hurts the team, so be it, but it isn't the same as punishing the whole team.
That would not loose money for the NFL because having New Orleans not host a playoff game does nothing for the league. The league would make off of the television deal, not the ticket prices from New Orleans which would stay the same if another team hosted a game. I just thought it would be interesting. I do think multiple draft picks is what will end up happening though. The puprose for the initial punishment isn't just to make things difficult for one team, it is to make an example for the other teams. Something as drastic as taking away a win would go a long way into scaring the other franchises into even considering bounties.
That would not loose money for the NFL because having New Orleans not host a playoff game does nothing for the league. The league would make off of the television deal, not the ticket prices from New Orleans which would stay the same if another team hosted a game. I just thought it would be interesting. I do think multiple draft picks is what will end up happening though.

New Orleans is a huge cash cow for the NFL. The NFL wants to punish individuals, not teams that bring in a ton of money for the league.

It's not right, but it's the truth.
In addition to fining the team, suspending players that took part and losing draft picks, I think the coach, found to be responsible for instituting the bounty, should be heavily fined and banned from the NFL.
In addition to fining the team, suspending players that took part and losing draft picks, I think the coach, found to be responsible for instituting the bounty, should be heavily fined and banned from the NFL.

I don't disagree. I hated Gregg Williams even when he was with New Orleans.

I bet he gets a 8 game or 1 year suspension. I doubt they ban him.
That coach should definatly get a stiff punishment, it seems like he brought that system to a couple different team.
That coach should definatly get a stiff punishment, it seems like he brought that system to a couple different team.

I hope they ban him. Punish the Saints coaches that knew as well, but bring the hammer down on G.W. because he was the one who created, funded, and promoted it.
I could see maybe two first round picks being taken away. They need to take around 10 million of their salary cap as well. In addition to banning Williams for at least a year.
I could see maybe two first round picks being taken away. They need to take around 10 million of their salary cap as well. In addition to banning Williams for at least a year.

Why would they take $10m in salary cap?
They could eliminate the Saints from the post season this coming year. All of their regular season games won will count, but they lose the opportunity to go to the playoffs.

I don't see a win(assuming we are talking about the Super Bowl win) being taken away form the books. You can't just revise history like that. It has to be a penalty enacted for the next season. Fines are mostly likely what will happen.
They could eliminate the Saints from the post season this coming year. All of their regular season games won will count, but they lose the opportunity to go to the playoffs.

No. If the Saints can't make the playoffs they'd just play backups. No reason to risk your starters if you can't win it all. They would tank on purpose and try to get a high pick, or they would trade away anyone who is worth anything who only has 1 year left on their deal.

A post season ban is not happening.
Anything to hurt the team's overall record will backfire. If I know I am losing 1-2 games automatically then that will more than likely take me out of the playoffs to begin with. Like Dome said, I play all my backups all season if I know I am going to lose automatically or be banned from the playoffs and I get #1 picks until the punishment subsides.

Unless you do this AND take draft picks but then you are crippling a franchise and probably causing them to fold. Fines and suspensions and maybe a 1st round pick is the most.
Anything to hurt the team's overall record will backfire. If I know I am losing 1-2 games automatically then that will more than likely take me out of the playoffs to begin with. Like Dome said, I play all my backups all season if I know I am going to lose automatically or be banned from the playoffs and I get #1 picks until the punishment subsides.

Unless you do this AND take draft picks but then you are crippling a franchise and probably causing them to fold. Fines and suspensions and maybe a 1st round pick is the most.

Exactly. They aren't going to do anything to directly hurt the team. They will penalize individuals, and that will indirectly hurt the team. But they aren't going to take away wins, ban them from the playoffs, or take away cap space.
Whatever the penalties will be, they will probably be severe. But at the same time, they can't allow themselves to penalize the Saints for example so much that you make the team non competitive.