Pentagon unveils ‘non-lethal’ device


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
WASHINGTON, March 1 — The Pentagon on Thursday unveiled a new “non-lethal” weapon designed to drive off an adversary with an energy beam that inflicts pain without causing lasting harm.

THE WEAPON COULD be used for riot control and peacekeeping missions when deadly force is not necessary, officials said.

The weapon, called “active denial technology,” was developed by Air Force research laboratories in New Mexico and Texas as part of a multi-service program run by the Marine Corps.

“This revolutionary force-protection technology gives U.S. service members an alternative to using deadly force,” said Marine Corps Col. George P. Fenton, director of the program at Quantico, Va.

The weapon is designed to stop people by firing millimeter-wave electromagnetic energy in a beam that quickly heats up the surface of the victim’s skin. Within seconds the person feels pain that officials said is similar to touching a hot light bulb.

“It’s the kind of pain you would feel if you were being burned,” said Rich Garcia, a spokesman for the Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M. “It’s just not intense enough to cause any damage.”

The Pentagon has made a strong push to develop “non-lethal” weapons in the aftermath of a humanitarian mission in Somalia in 1992-93 that put soldiers in the line of fire in urban areas where civilians were present.

A prototype of the weapon will be tested on goats and humans at Kirtland in the next few months, Garcia said.

“When it penetrates in, it activates the pain sensors, and you feel a lot of pain,” Garcia said. “But there’s no damage. It truly is a non-lethal device.”

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"I'd like an order of fries, a quarter pounder with cheese, I love the light in your eyes, would you go out with me please? I am in love with a McDonald's Girl, she has a smile of innocence so tender and warm, she is an angel in a polyester uniform."
A prototype of the weapon will be tested on goats and humans at Kirtland in the next few months, Garcia said.

Who in their right mind would want to be the guinea pig (or goat, in this case) for this? Geez.

"You know, Hobbes, some days even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help." ~ Calvin
I read this in the newspaper this morning, and I'm not happy about it. I've got a nasty feeling this is going to be used against peaceful protesters...

One door closed is one door opened
One more memory fades away
Such grand dreams we all have chosen
We lost our innocence along the way
- Rose Bygrave, "Innocence"

I'm sure not peaceful protestors, PIT. But If you've ever witnessed a real protest in action, I'd say it'd be legitimate to use that kind of force against the sort of protestors who bite chunks out of officers' legs, or pin wittle KNS against a brick wall, thus forcing authorites to literally lock her in a building all by her lonesome. Oh the stories I have to tell, and the pictures I have to show...I'll have to get my scanner hooked up and writing hat on, and take you all on a trip down memory lane to Philidelphia this summer

monsieurjohn: we have 2 yaks on campus
KNSinatra: you lie.
monsieurjohn: no i don't. i don't know what they're doing here, but they're real.

En fuego, bebe.

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by KNSinatra on March 03, 2001 at 02:41 AM]</font>
I'm not talking about a that case there might need to be such force used - I still haven't forgotten the debacle of the Melbourne World Economic Forum, where the media (due to their extreme bias) and government covered up the actions of the police - one channel that showed the full footage - and was it ever damning against the police. In that case, and that's what I'm worried about, such a weapon would be definitely nasty.

One door closed is one door opened
One more memory fades away
Such grand dreams we all have chosen
We lost our innocence along the way
- Rose Bygrave, "Innocence"

PIT, my thoughts went the same way yours did.

Wouldn't that be an effective way to control people.
The liberal in me is screaming in frustration. Oh well...the pendulum swings one way, then back the other.

I wander, therefore I roam.
I came, I saw, I conquered, I rule!
me !~the coke goddess~!
my son !~the Trumpet God~!
Non-lethal weapons, though effective for riot control, could be taken too far. Such devices could be used to suppress entire mobs. Let's consider the energy weapon in this example. We are assuming a narrow a laser, of sorts. What if one retooled the device to provide a broad area sweep? Then such a device could bring entire crowds to their knees. This scares me....

We must be careful with such devices. They will prove most effective in the right hands and rather oppressive in tyrannical hands.

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, guru.
Plus what if someone wanted to rob a bank. You don't hear of many who end up using their gun, since that will get them in far worse trouble, but with one of these, they can be in and out, and no one will be able to trigger an alarm afterwards or show any signs of the weapon being used, since it doesn't actually cause any damage.

I am the Lowest Common Denominator, LCD!!!!
JH, I must agree.
I simply don't trust (at least the Australian) police with such a tool.

One door closed is one door opened
One more memory fades away
Such grand dreams we all have chosen
We lost our innocence along the way
- Rose Bygrave, "Innocence"
