I know this is going to be interpreted the wrong way, which is why I usually avoid getting into political discussions, but here goes...
The way I see it, our government and, by extension, I don't owe the decendants of slaves anything. For the same reason that we are not responsible for the mistakes of our ancestors, our government is not responsible for the mistakes of the past governments. Just as I am not reponsible for the actions of my neighbor, my grandfather was not responsible for the actions of his neighbor.
Any decendant of slaves that has been born since the end of the Civil war was born free. Part of that freedom is the freedom to leave a place where they feel persecuted against. If the conditions and social situations in this country so offend a particular person, by living in this country, they have the freedom to leave this country for another where they feel they will be treated more fairly.
IOW, if you're so unhappy with the way you're being treated, you're free to go somewhere where you can be happy.
As such, why should my tax dollars go to someone who doesn't like being here in the first place. It's bad enough that my tax dollars are going to fund programs for illegal immigrants who shouldn't even be in the country. Now, I'm supposed to pay for the mistakes of some redneck's great great grandfather?!?
From another BBS:
"hmm... Cyrix III, huh? You can put syrup on sh*t, but that don't make it pancakes."