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Is this normal?

DD10 came home from school last Thursday with a fever. I took her to pediatrician Friday at noon and they tested her for flu which was negative. Her fever at the office was 103.5.

Later that evening, her fever went to 106! I called dr. back and they said to alternate Tylenol and Motrin. Next morning the fever went down after the Motrin and she ate but then in the afternoon it went back to 106. I called doc again and they said just make sure she keeps drinking fluids.
A few of you guys suggested the ER and I took her. She had pneumonia!

Well she has been on antibiotics since Sat. night but yesterday and today she is coughing nonstop. She is coughing so much that she is nauseous.

Is this normal? Should she still be coughing like this. I am calling the doctor AGAIN!
I don't know, but def. call the Doctor. I hope she feels better sooon. :huggy:
If you took her to the doc and he MISSED diagnosing pneumonia which is one of the easiest things to diagnose I would be looking for a new pediatrician. She should have been given med for coughing. If the fever persists over a week to 10 days they will probably want to hospitalize. I would be giving the tylenol and motrin on a schedule and not let the fever get that high. Be a pest and keep on top of them with the phone calls if you are unsure. Hang tough mom. It's hard to watch our kids suffer. :flowers:
Call her doc ASAP.

Whenever someone seems to be getting better & then takes a turn for the worse, call the doc.
From what I remember the coughing is actually good. It is the
Body's way of getting rid of the excess mucous. DH had bad pneumonia and was put on
An antibiotic, mucinex, and a cough medicine for nighttime so he could sleep. Always when in doubt, call again! You know your daughter better than anyone else.
If you took her to the doc and he MISSED diagnosing pneumonia which is one of the easiest things to diagnose I would be looking for a new pediatrician. She should have been given med for coughing. If the fever persists over a week to 10 days they will probably want to hospitalize. I would be giving the tylenol and motrin on a schedule and not let the fever get that high. Be a pest and keep on top of them with the phone calls if you are unsure. Hang tough mom. It's hard to watch our kids suffer. :flowers:

The fever is gone now but last night was low grade. I was giving her Advil and Tylenol around the clock. (So tiring! I felt like a zombie! DH came down with the flu too!) On Sat. I gave Advil then Tylenol in an hour and still the fever stayed. That is when we went to the ER.
Call her doc ASAP.

Whenever someone seems to be getting better & then takes a turn for the worse, call the doc.

THIS is soooo true. I have heard this from our Doc many times.
I was about your daughter's age when I had pneumonia. I can still recall to this day coughing so much that I was vomiting. I spent 10 days either laying on my bed or laying on the floor in the bathroom.

Sadly not much you can do. The coughing is needed to clear the lungs.

I know part of the reason it was so bad is that I kept vomiting up any medicine.

The good part was losing a whole bunch of weight in those 10 days.

I think as long as she isn't dehydrated she'll be fine. Miserable, but fine.

And of course, call the doc, that's what they are there for. I'm sure my mom was calling the doc daily, but my focus was just on trying to sleep.
Please do not be afraid to call your doc whenever you have a question, especially when someone in the family is ill. That is part of what they are there for, not just office visits, but for medical advice & to answer questions.
she needs a cough syrup for nighttime so she can sleep...she may be sick but still needs to rest too...i would keep pestering the doc. or go to ER again. I had pneumonia when i was 8 and it lasted for a good month. I'll pray she gets well quickly.
Ds is 12 and he gets it almost every year, yes the coughing sound really bad at times especially at night. He has to do breathing treatment wth a nebulizer with Albuterol every 3 hours. At night I make him prop his head up with 2 pillows. I can't find it here but there is some otc by they name of cermulsion in a glass bottle that works really good on coughs, it is brown in color.
Ds is 12 and he gets it almost every year, yes the coughing sound really bad at times especially at night. He has to do breathing treatment wth a nebulizer with Albuterol every 3 hours. At night I make him prop his head up with 2 pillows. I can't find it here but there is some otc by they name of cermulsion in a glass bottle that works really good on coughs, it is brown in color.

Oh...every year?!?!? That would be awful!

I do have dd propped up with pillows and the humidifier going in her room. The wallpaper might start to peel!!
And truly, if she was diagnosed with pneumonia on Sat, it is really too soon for her to be back at school.

They can give her a steroid inhaler, and codeine cough syrup for night. I had it as a kid too, the coughing is terrible. I recall sleeping A LOT.

Where do you live? Let's get Alove a referral for her daughter!

Vicks vapor rub on chest and soles of the feet. Not sure why the feet but it will help open up the chest and make her cough better. Best thing is to get all the gunk out. Also the neti pot to clean out the sinus. The salt will kill the bacteria and it will help to get more of the gunk out.

PS High fever is your bodies way of fighting/killing bacteria. While it is scary it is the bodies way of fighting.
I had pneumonia as an adult and I was unaware I had it (no coughing). I also had pancreatitis and the pneumonia was found at the same time. I spent about 5 days in the hospital on IV antibiotics. I also had to follow-up with my GP and get a repeat chest xray. I was sicker than I realized.