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Poke The Bunny


Part Of The Furniture
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It might just be because Im really tired, but I found this to be quite amusing. So go ahead Poke The Bunny

That's great, Prox. I could be entertained for *hours* (minutes at least) by that!
OUCH!! It bit me!!

:rofl: Actually the scary part is I could easily be amused by this for a long period of time.

But then again, Alien has told me in the past that if someone were to give me a pencil and a drinking straw, I'd be amused for hours! :lol:
I thought it looked unhealthy when I was poking the bunny in the ****, but when he turned around and bit me, I was convinced that there's some not-so-subtle sexual inuendo involved in this.
Wow! See? I'm still amused!! ....or maybe I just like getting bit?

whee it works now!!!

:lol: that's classic. i'm going to bookmark it or something.
I cant get enough poking action. When I get board, I just go and poke the bunny and then I still laugh my **** off and everything is better.
Oh wow, I must REALLY be bored. I actually counted the pokes before it bite me. 318 pokes! I wonder if it's the same each time or is it different each time. Or does it matter how fast the hand pokes it...hmmmm :eek:hboy:
YES!!!! I actually tested that theory out! If you poke really fast, it'll bite a lot sooner!!

Well, onto my next thought to ponder for this long night of insomia. :rolleyes:
318!!! :lol:

oh my, i realized the speedy poke rule pretty early on... i wish i'd told you so you could avoid carpal tunnel syndrome or soemthing... 318!!
I really thought this was kind off stupid until the bunny actually bit me. Did anybody else jump or get scared?? I knew it was going to bite, but not like THAT!!
i jumped, yeah

and i showed my roommate at like 3 am and he jumped like a foot, and then he did it again and jumped again, and siad in a quasi-fascinated wonder "it's so scary!"

it was very funny
I must really be crazy. I just had to play again and it STILL startles me. :dizzy:
:lol: OMG! That scared the .... outta me!! I seriously jumped when it bit me! And I even knew that it was going to!!

.... The fact that one of you poked it enough to get bitten in the first place is worrying though. :tongue:
Originally posted by YesIndeed

.... The fact that one of you poked it enough to get bitten in the first place is worrying though. :tongue:

I tried to play it, but FF asked me to install a plugin :(
I'll try it again when I get home.