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Poland to enforce castration of pedophiles

Agreed with Big Dan! Although it is inhumane, I'm still for it! Sometimes you must take drastic measures to teach people that what they're doing is very wrong.
You know it's very hard to discuss. On the one hand it's inhuman, but there are so many cases when children are raped and humiliated.How do parents feel about it?
What they (paedophiles) do is inhumane, but I don't agree with the An Eye for An Eye theory Poland is enforcing, surely the UN and EU will get involved as they are an EU country.
The article talks only about chemical "castration" -- the offender is given a drug that takes away his sexual urges, for as long as he's taking the drug. This has been tested here in Germany as well, with mixed results. Since it's a psychological issue, psychological therapy might be more effective.

Such cases are complicated b/c there's the rights of the children vs. the rights of the parents vs. the rights of the offender vs. best practice implemented in law vs. youth protection vs. economical interests.

Children are often pissed at laws aimed at their own protection ... but if young girls would become pregnant underage they would be missing on the job market as adults b/c they wouldn't be able to follow through with their education ... there's also the problem of parents who want full control over their children ... and the sex offender's problem of not fully anticipating the consequences of their actions ...
Hi) i think that people like pedophiles are not people it the real sense of this word, they must be punished most cruelly.
So its only chemical castration? What a shame these things which I cant call people deserve far worse. And dont see it as inhumane at all if it came to actual castration.
I believe that chemical castration + prison for a long time would be close to justice, but I'm not sure about actual castration...
And I don't see chemical castration as inhuman for them at all (if therapy isn't as effective), coz we need to prevent them from harming the society.
This is inhumane after all they are humans, and how come it din't make any news ? This is the first time I read about it.
They left the human race the minute they decided to hurt a child. Florida has been hit hard with these so called humans who decide to hurt children. One example is we have a guy kidnap a child. Rape and sodomize this 10 year old repeatedly over a course of days. Then to bury this frightened child alive in plastic to have this poor little girl suffocate all alone. They deserve lots of pain followed by death and nothing less.
Poland to Enforce Chemical Castration of Pedophiles

I must say as inhumane as it is -- I applaud it.

I don't. It does absolutely nothing to reduce the problem and seems to come from the old belief, that you stop having sexual feelings or urges when your genitals are cut off.

In truth that just means they will have to find other ways to hurt, dishonor and mutilate children.
Pedophiles must be locked up for life. There is no cure.
And since this is not just perversion but an actual sexual orientation (like homosexuality or heterosexuality) in some cases, while it is an uncontrollable urge in others, castration won't even have a deterring effect.

So yeah, I would say that this is a waste of time and resources. Just lock them up for life, because our children must be protected from these people.

The sad thing is, that the big majority of child abuse cases takes place within the confines of the family home. Fathers, uncles, brothers and grandfathers. But how can you protect your kids from that?

You can't really and I find that terrifying. All we can do is lock up known offenders for life to at least reduce the risk of abuse by strangers.
Ps: I just saw they are talking about chemical castration. That is not inhumane but it is not THAT effective either. IMO the only answer is to lock them up for life. I'm not talking about punishment; there is no just punishment for hurting a child. This is just for safety.
And seeing as peadiphilia comes in many forms and has different causes/symptoms, there is no one-size-fits-all solution or cure.