Police arrest man outside John Kerry’s home


Chief Talker
PF Member
Boston police arrested a man Sunday afternoon after he was spotted taking photos of Secretary of State John Kerry’s Beacon Hill home.
Police found a pellet gun in the man’s vehicle and arrested him for possession of an open alcohol container, said Kerry’s spokesman Glen Johnson.
Kerry was visiting his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Charlestown when State Department security officers saw the man taking pictures of the window in Kerry’s home, calling the Boston Police Department shortly after, Johnson said.
Kerry’s wife was flown to Massachusetts General Hospital from Nantucket in critical condition earlier this month after suffering a seizure. After her condition improved, she was moved to Spaulding to complete her recovery.
Read more http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/20...n-hill-home/UVMYCgQdtyeNOIbB4WPP2H/story.html