What do you think of how the media portrays eating disorders?
I've seen two different sides of it,
The "let's make it a joke" kind of thing, where TV shows will make light of eating disorders and thereby make it less serious.
Then I've seen the "let's show the WORST possible scenarios" where the characters are suffering the WORST symptoms, in the WORST conditions and they are receiving no help or support whatsoever for their disorder.
And then there's the issue of men with eating disorders.
Why aren't they portrayed in the media as often as women are?
I've seen two different sides of it,
The "let's make it a joke" kind of thing, where TV shows will make light of eating disorders and thereby make it less serious.
Then I've seen the "let's show the WORST possible scenarios" where the characters are suffering the WORST symptoms, in the WORST conditions and they are receiving no help or support whatsoever for their disorder.
And then there's the issue of men with eating disorders.
Why aren't they portrayed in the media as often as women are?