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Lets talk Prom-Dresses to be specific. This year my Daughter is a senior, Only girl so first time going through prom with a girl did do jr prom last year which was bad enough , our school does separate Junior Prom and Senior Proms for many reasons.. but donate let the name fool you lol our junior Prom is VERY much like most schools actual prom only 2 differences I see is location is not as ritzy ( but jr prom location does host many other schools proms), and there are no limos allowed and no tuxes. That all being said OMG I have heard stories about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ prom dresses. DD who does not have a date yet ( we HAVE to have a date to go-last year she asked a good friend who didn't go to her school so lucky us we paid for tickets AND the dress, shoes, etc..) She shows me this dress that she tried on that she L-O-V-E-S OMG it is perfect mom!!...I will NEVER find another I like so much (she has looked seriously at one store, one day) $498.00 . I refuse to pay that much or let her spend her savings on one that much If I had to put a price limit I would say $300 and that is HUGE for me to say. I know if she spent time looking she could find one under $200. DD does not have a perfect shape-she has some extra weight on her and has some large girls alterations alone will be $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. If she does not get asked I will be putting out the money for the tickets as well -hopefully if no one asks she can find someone to pair up with to get in the door that we can split the ticket cost with ( I did pay for her brothers tuxes and tickets and limo..) How do you moms of girls do it?? How do you say no and deal with the attitude?? So many moms give in and go all out for prom which make it hard. IF she had a job where she could pick up extra hours etc.. I would say go for its€”raise some extra cash. BUT she doesn't€™t, she has set hours and that money is accounted for.
I would let her read that post.

In the same spirit you posted to Swale Patty about the book thing, your daughter is old enough to face the reality of that being too much $. You can work together to get a reasonable agreement on cost.

PS I did not even go to my senior prom, I did have a BF but it was too expensive and I saved that $ for college, instead.
When is her prom?

Depending on when it is, last year I noticed that the dresses went on clearance super fast and that Penny's had a lot of dresses for not a lot of $$$$. You'll just have to look around and tell her to NOT expect a $500 dress because it just isn't happening.

Best deal we ever got was a $150 dress for $15 at Macy's. The dress is gorgeous! DD twin #2 is a bargain hunter and found it. It's a classic black and white and she can wear it for years to come.

The only advice I can give you is to look around, you'll find something.
Oh I did tell her last night and yes dealing with girls especially my daughter is dealing with lots of HORMONES-she is willing to pay for it--or to go in half-I told her if I invested that much money into teh dress then i get 50% of a say in if i like it or not--LOL

I know yesterday was day *one* of prom discussions so i know i can talk her down eventially --and I am sure that will involve me spending days shopping with her yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn not my favorite thing to do because I have a hard time being anything but honest . sadly she thinks that I am being mean because she is over weight-but trashy dresses are trashy dresses
Sister I spent 6 straight hours at Woodfield looking for dresses for graduation. As much as I love to shop, it's was exhausting because twin #1 is a little bit more chunky then twin #2 and hates dresses so the whole day was a huge challenge.

The only way to get through it is to look around. You'd be surprised how many dresses are the exact same thing except maybe the price depending on which store you are at. For example a pretty dress at Carson's on clearance was $99 then we walked into Winsor's and the exact same dress was $169.
I know that's what happened last year--and last year i refused to go "dress" shops

BUT in the end she found a dress she liked at a good price and it was in a dress shop so we went and looked and I was surprised that if you looked there were some cheaper dresses in there--lol

as for looking at other stores--that is her problem--sadly she might be able to fit in a jr xl or 15 ( even if they went that big) BUT her chest is umm large-- so very few stores besides dress shops carry teen plus sizes-- and the ones that do ( debs is one that comes to mind) the dresses are ummm cheap looking
I think i am just whining--LOL

Last year I said something to her when we couldn't find anything in her size
"see..I told you that it is no fun looking for dresses when you are over weight.." ( only because she refuses to admit she has issues..) yeah that went over well..
Check with a bridal shop-=-davids bridal or somewhere like that--they have off the rack dresses--and many are in a larger size
I would see the design of the one she loved--see if you see anything similar--or find the maker of the dress--do a search and see if you can find it cheaper
We went to resale shops--I ended up with 3 prom dresses for dd--because they were so cheap--let her choose which one she wanted--and the others I knew her friends could borrow or her younger sisters friends could borrow. Mine never had a date for prom--but went with friends--so not as worried--she said prom was not worth it--but the after party was so much fun
2nd dd is a senior this year--she has not mentioned prom--so I have a feeling she won't be going---but she will want to go to the after party at the community center,
Makes me sad, because I never got to go to prom and I really want her to have the experience--she also has zero friends to ask to go with--so that option won't happen.
Oh well--Enjoy and Good luck!!!
I cannot help you as DD is only 9. So I just wish you luck and peace between you and your DD.

Maybe, I am going to regret saying this as I have no experience, but I would just keep looking. Spend lots of time trying to enjoy the experience with her.
See if you can find someone at another school whom you can borrow or buy a dress from. My dd did this for dances at their schools. The proms will be on different weekends. There might be a resale shop that sells fancy dresses. Good luck.
There is a store in Woodfield, maybe I can remember the name of it where we got DD20's prom dress, it was gorgeous and well under $150 (maybe $125?? IIRC) and came with a sheer wrap in the same material (which she didn't use).

They had literally thousands of dresses and had a large plus size selection as I recall. I will try to remember the name of it (some of the dress stores there are more $$$).

I've been thinking when I get ready to find a wedding dress I am going to check there.

This is the one she got:

David's Bridal might be the way to go just to go see what they have. They are having a sale right now per their tv commercial.
My DD18 went to sr prom 2 years ago. She'd never been to a hs dance because her boyfriend never wanted to go to any. So, I did let her go "all out" for Prom. I know girls who go to EVERY dance...who end up going to 12 dances during hs...and that is silly & pricey to me. You don't need to go to *every* dance, but you should go to one, so my DD did get an expensive dress, shoes, hair, the works. No limo because her bf drove. It was part bday gift, part prom expense. I justified it because like I said, it was one dance one time.

Now when she announced she was going to Prom again last year (after declaring the year before to be her "one chance" to go) she was on her own for all expenses. I wouldn't have spent as much $$ the year before if I'd known I would be paying again. Shockingly she found a $100 dress on her own. :lol:
There is a store in Woodfield, maybe I can remember the name of it where we got DD20's prom dress, it was gorgeous and well under $150 (maybe $125?? IIRC) and came with a sheer wrap in the same material (which she didn't use).

They had literally thousands of dresses and had a large plus size selection as I recall. I will try to remember the name of it (some of the dress stores there are more $$$).

I've been thinking when I get ready to find a wedding dress I am going to check there.

This is the one she got:


That is the place we went too where twin #1 got her dress.

The owner moved her store to the upper level. It used to be right next to the Sears. I can't remember the name either.
That is the place we went too where twin #1 got her dress.

The owner moved her store to the upper level. It used to be right next to the Sears. I think the name which is just initials starts with an M.

I know the one you mean but I don't think that is the same one although we almost got her dress there. This one was at the other end of the mall IIRC, because she kept dragging me back and forth between the two dresses LOL

Woodfield map http://www.simon.com/mall/woodfield-mall/map

Not jumping out at me when I look at the map....hmmm...
The biggest problem with spending so much money on the dress it that is not the last expense. Shoes, hair, nails, tickets, day after, is sooo much money. You need to figure out exactly what you are willing to put out for all of it and let her know that. Total budget $ ???. Let her know that is what you will spend on everything and tell her you will help her figure out how to get what she wants on that amount of money. I think when she sees the number, she will realize how much money that really is. Good Luck
oooh thats a pretty dress :)

DD does borrow dresses from 2 "larger" size friends regularly both these girls buy some $$$ nice dresses and dd has been so lucky to borrow from them . prom is a different animal--lol

maybe a trip to woodfield is in my future--perhaps next week

lol fuzzysox my bff just said the same thing about Davids bridal sale :)
There was another store like that? I don't remember because after 6 hours everything started looking the same to me.
There was another store like that? I don't remember because after 6 hours everything started looking the same to me.

Yes, and a lot of similar dresses but for less :)

It's driving me crazy that I can't remember the name of it. But I think it was more to the other end of the mall from the one you are talking about. Maybe DD20 will remember....
Wow. I didn't do a limo, professional hair, or nails for senior prom. My BF drove, we went to a nice but not very expensive restaurant (all the older people fawned over us), and I got my dress on clearance at Dillard's for $45.

Granted, this was almost 20 years ago, but very few people, if any, got a limo for prom at my school.