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Puppy/Kitten Mills


Baby, baby, baby ohh
PF Member
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United States
What is your opinion or views on puppy and kitten mills? Do you think it's ok, and why? Do you stand against it?
Most definitely against it. It's like a battery farm but for producing puppies and kittens rather than meat.
So many dogs/cats and puppies/kittens suffer or worse, because breeders are more interested in the money than the welfare of the animals.
There are so many animals in this world desperate for a new home. Puppy mills help fuel the overpopulation problem, and are often poorly regulated cesspools of disease and suffering, especially when these mills are large scale projects. Having had worked in a county shelter for several years, I saw firsthand the tragedy and cruelty that can be brought upon the animals within a puppy mill. The pain I saw in those dog's eyes was unlike anything else I've ever known, and most of the canines were so riddled with parasites and potentially fatal conditions that they could not be saved.

Truly, I hope there is a special level of the underworld awaiting the sick people who run these establishments. (Sorry to get so dark, there. But really, it's horrid.)