I need to make a point of clarification to you guys about the president's power:
I voted for our president based on a few things:
1) Will he make a good Commander in Chief of the U.S. armed forces?
2) Will he run his administration with dignity and honor?
3) Will he pursue and aggressive foreign policy?
4) Will he work aggressively with Congress and the Judicial system to keep government running as it should?
5) Will he do his primary job in enforcing the laws of the land?
That's it. The president CANNOT:
1) Make or change laws. He can only put a bill through the House and Senate like any other representative can. He can veto a law, but the Senate can turn back around and vote the bill into law over his veto.
2) Ammend the Constitution. To change the electoral college, one has to ammend the Constitution. To do this, and I forget the exact details, one has to go through several processes. I can't remember all of it, but their is a petition process, a popular vote process, and a Congressional voting process....all very stringent on the majorities (3/4 or 2/3 or something). Someone please post that process if you know it.
So, while a president may be quite influential, he does not have total control....our Constitution forbids it. So relax. I seriously doubt the world is coming to an end based on who gets in office.
Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?