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Religion V Atheism..... the big debate, come have your say.

If Adam and Eve are myth does that prove Jesus was too if he died to cure us of original sin?

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Do you have to be religious to be a good person?
Has religion had its time and it's time to move on?
Does religion do more harm than good?
Are atheists more likely to commit crime?
Do you have to be religious to be a good person?
Has religion had its time and it's time to move on?
Does religion do more harm than good?
Are atheists more likely to commit crime?

Problems are much more complex than religion. For instance, in many areas, like say, South and North Korea, nationalism is the main problem, religion is seen as irrelevant or a tool of the state.
I don't think Adam and Eve are myths, I don't think Jesus is a myth. However, I believe most of the stories surrounding these people are myths. For instance, I don't think Adam and Eve were the first humans, and I don't think Jesus was born from a virgin mother.
I honestly prefer the practices of the Satanic Temple over any other religion. The main reason is because of body autonomy. Almost every Christian wants to try and control how others live their lives, and they want certain laws to be passed (at least here in the US) yet they fail to understand that our country was founded on separation of church and state. It's okay to have different beliefs, but they shouldn't have a say on how others should live their lives. Also not all satanists are "evil", we don't believe in making sacrifices like other branches do.
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I don't really personally believe in a religion but I wouldn't say that I am atheist either. I believe everyone should be entiled to believe in what ever religion (or no religion) they want without the fear of judgement. As a child I used to go to church with my grandad so I have seen first hand the positive impacts people have for believing in god.
I don't think you can base whether a person is more likely to commit a crime based on if they're religious or atheist.
Especially now, religion isn't so much of a pivotal aspect of society. Compared to historically when religion was the centre aspect of society there is so many more factors to consider. The religious vs atheist debate is such a complex one.