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Religious instruction?



People who aren't religious often begin to think about spirituality once they become parents. In deciding whether to raise their child with an organized religion, many parents take into account their own experiences growing up. This decision is more complicated when each parent was raised with a different religion.

I believe religion along with morality is imperative in establishing a healthy foundation for the family.

Will you raise your children with religion?
If I have a wife that is set on it, that's fine by me. I don't care either way... unless it's fundamental christianity... ebcause i grew up in that **** and it warps your mind.

Other then that I don't care, I'll let them choose...

All the Religions say the same thing, just use different voices.
Absolutely. I think its imperative. I think it gives kids that moral foundation they need as they go through life. It builds character and integrity, two things we seem to be lacking in this world as time marches forward.

And no Slack they don't say the same thing. If that were the case Israel wouldn't be under attack right now. (But that's another thread)
Uhmmm entirely incorrect my friend... have you ever actually read anything about the religions?

That's the different voices part... I.E. the prophet mohammed as the messianic character whereas the Jewish Messiah has yet to return...

The teachings of the Qu`uran and the Talmud are extraordinarily similar, as is Islam to Christianity...

Even the dietary habits are the same
Slack with Me said:
Uhmmm entirely incorrect my friend... have you ever actually read anything about the religions?

That's the different voices part... I.E. the prophet mohammed as the messianic character whereas the Jewish Messiah has yet to return...

The teachings of the Qu`uran and the Talmud are extraordinarily similar, as is Islam to Christianity...

Even the dietary habits are the same

Extraordinarily similar...yes. The same ...no. The practices and ideas may look the same on the surface but the root ideas are so far from each other.

If you want you can start another thread on this. I don't want to stray too far from Irish's original topic.
I want to raise my children knowing about the religion I grew up in, and my husbands if he has one. But I also want them to know about all the other religions so that when old enough, they can decide what it is that they believe in.
I would raise my childern under religion. Religion never did anything bad to me personally. Like Imagineer said it gives them a proper moral foundation. I couldn't of said it any better myself.
I agree with bad_habit, I want my kids to go to church in my religion *and my husbands* but when they are old enough to know the differences they can choose what they want to be
i'd say in general there'd be no religion for my kids, or the same type of "religion" that i got. ie, going to family dinners and being generally ignorant of they whole "why are we doing this" thing. i think the main thing is to install a strong sense of responsibility and accountability and respect in a child. how that gets acheived is up to a parent i suppose, but as long as it happens that's what counts. i never had religion and i think i turned out just peachy.

my wife may disagree however :p. on the flip side of that, i don't really think that i could put my kid through intensive religious schooling (sunday school or whatnot), because i personally don't have the beliefs, so why would i go and be like "listen to them! i don't...but you must! wahahahaha!' seems it would be hypocritical of me. if they choose it, that's cool, but i can't see myself forcing it upon them.
Any children I have will be raised as I was and not forced into any kind of religious institution. Personally I believe that the comment that you "will raise them in my religion then give them the choice" is kinda off seeing as you are heavly weighting the scales to start with. But thats just an opinion anyway.
Well are you suppose to do let a kid decide on what they are going to do? If you are religious take them to church and whatever else. When they become 18 and 21 let them decide. They will probably say they are this religion but they will only go to church on holidays like most people do now a days. Eventually the church will no longer exist because when I go to church I see mainly 40,50,60+ year olds going to church. So in the future (probably 50-60 years from now) no one will have to make this decision.
Yea... a groundwork for religious belief of any kind needs to be layed at first... then as they get older and more mature start introducing them to other religions. Or let them know this is just one of the many options...
Brainfreeze said:
Personally I believe that the comment that you "will raise them in my religion then give them the choice" is kinda off seeing as you are heavly weighting the scales to start with. But thats just an opinion anyway.
I disagree. Being a Catholic, and believing in my faith, I see it as an obligation to my son to raise him as a Catholic. When he is an adult, he can do as he wishes, but until then, it is my duty to see him raised in the Catholic faith. Faith needs to be planted like a seed, for it to grow. Rare is the person who, without that seed being planted, grows a healthy love for God.

On a side note, I am very truly sorry to see so much "anti-religion" in this world. I am very truly sorry that so many people have failed to be strengthened by their religion. I am very truly sorry that so many bad people use a religion for their personal gains, and that so many people use those bad examples as a club with which to bludgeon their faith in their fellow man, and their religion. I see hundreds of GOOD PEOPLE, who do WONDERFUL things in the name of my religion. I would much rather use the examples set by those hundreds, that I have seen first hand, then harping on the sins of the few I read about or see on TV.

Personally, my faith gets me through some of the toughest times in my life. It is the foundation for all of all my strength. For a time, in my entire 20's, I turned my back on my faith, and called myself an "atheist". I thought I knew everything. I thought religion was for the weak, who needed a crutch in life. I have since matured, and was truly blessed to see the error of my ways.

I will never mock, put down, or belittle those who do not believe in God or follow a religion, as I was once one among them. I will only pray for them, that they may one day find faith. Faith, for me, has been such a blessing, and I wish everyone could be so blessed.
Faith is a wonderful thing...

I have other opinions of organzied religion though
Slack with Me said:
Yea... a groundwork for religious belief of any kind needs to be layed at first... then as they get older and more mature start introducing them to other religions. Or let them know this is just one of the many options...

Exactly they need time and maturity to make the decision.
well to answer the question i will raise my children with my beliefs and if when they get older and decide to change what they believe that will be their choice.
spunkey monkey said:
well to answer the question i will raise my children with my beliefs and if when they get older and decide to change what they believe that will be their choice.

That's all you can do Spunkey, and personally, I think it is the right thing to do. I believe people should raise their children whatever religion they themselves are because that is what you know best. :)