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Repeats or duplicates?


Emerging Talker
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So, we have been building out karaoke library for a bit, about 3000 songs, (a thread with great advice from the forum here). Nothing to serious as to get every song ever produced, karaoke seems to be a side-show around here, its fun and a great time for ppl, just not a hardcore audience.

Question is, within each manufacturers themselves, why so many repeat songs, very frustrating paying for songs over and over again. Is it common to have duplicate songs from the same manufacturer? In fact, we have never had a request for a certain manufacturers disk, as long as we have a particular song, they are happy. Understandable someone could want a specific song from a specific manufacturer, just not that common here, so one or 2 versions of any particular song seems to work for us regardless of the manufacturer.

Long time karaoke ppl, what is your duplicate rate, for songs and or songs with in the same manufacturer?

(total newbie question, lol, sorry!)
I'm guessing they are assuming that most people are running off of the physical discs. If that were the case, having multiple instances of popular tracks would make them easier to access.

There are several reasons for multiples within a given manu,

Compilations with more popular songs within a given genre or year, discontinued disc which some of the songs are placed on a new disc, sets such as the chartbuster 450 and the SC Foundations are going to have songs repeated amoung themselves and their pro lines, the 4x4 6x6 and 8x8s are all going to be repeated songs, combine these with artist series and you are going to see a lot of repeats!

Judicial choices when buying is the most important thing when it comes to getting your music, is that one song you want worth adding 10 12 or 13 duplications to your setup?

when you reach around the 5,000 song level you are looking at 12 to 15% dups, when you reach 10,000 you are in the 20 to 25% range, at 15,000 you are around 38% I can't tell you what it is above that but I would say anything more than 20,000 titles you are looking at close to 50% dups!
Money. That's the main reason, in my opinion. The way the laws are set up producers are only allowed to put so many songs on one cd. I'm not sure exactly how it works tho.

Bottom line is usually when you're looking to buy a disc you have one or two songs that you want and the rest are either completely useless or you have several repeats.

Buying sets from different manufacturers/producers of karaoke will also generate a lot of repeats.

For me personally i'd say about 30-45% of my collection is repeat tracks. I'm lucky because I started to search out rare discs/tracks from the beginning so I have a lot of unique karaoke.

Thunder said:
There are several reasons for multiples within a given manu,

Compilations with more popular songs within a given genre or year, discontinued disc which some of the songs are placed on a new disc, sets such as the chartbuster 450 and the SC Foundations are going to have songs repeated amoung themselves and their pro lines, the 4x4 6x6 and 8x8s are all going to be repeated songs, combine these with artist series and you are going to see a lot of repeats!

Judicial choices when buying is the most important thing when it comes to getting your music, is that one song you want worth adding 10 12 or 13 duplications to your setup?

when you reach around the 5,000 song level you are looking at 12 to 15% dups, when you reach 10,000 you are in the 20 to 25% range, at 15,000 you are around 38% I can't tell you what it is above that but I would say anything more than 20,000 titles you are looking at close to 50% dups!
I have to say that Thunders figures on pecentages of dupes you will get when buying large numbers of discs are accurate if you are wisely buying muliple brands effectivley. Most people wont do as well buying multiple brands. however if you pick one brand or series that you really like such as SC spotlight series or Chartbuster essentails(packs) or SC foundation series and bricks you can effectivley beat thoose percentages but you will probibly spend more money, but the quality will be GREAT. We have as many as 12 dupes of some given songs but we have somewhere around 50 thousand tracks from many manufactures including a numbetr that are no longer produced
Thanks everyone, what a great marketing plan, sell us songs over and over again lol! Guess its the price of doing business though, no worries!

Perfect Thunder, "is that one song you want worth adding 10 12 or 13 duplications to your setup?" Now there's a question! LOL

Off we go to prep for tonight's gig...and a wedding tomorrow.