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Resident Evil: Code Veronica


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Anyone tried this game yet? Opinions? Comments?

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Hey X nice to see ya in our forum.. I have to get another Dreamcast game then I will try and talk more.. hehe
Excellent Fu, start spendin that cash on quality DC games! heh. I gotta go pick up a few of the newer ones soon.
I bought the game and ****! It' the best Resident Evil game so far! I played it and beat it already. The best time to play this is at night while you're alone. Turn down the lights and turn up the sound... The graphics will have you scared ****less again, the sound is just as freaky as you would expect, and the gameplay is great. There are a few secrets in the game and one of them you get by completing the game. It's a pretty neat "Battle Game" where you can waste your ammo like there's no tomorrow on zombies and other nasty mutants. This is a must have for all Dreamcast owners even if you are scared of the dark.
RE:CV was a dissapointment... I mean the graphics were good, the cut scenes were great, but the fact that ammo was so skimpy and you had to run by tons of guys(that kept respawning). I mean if they never respawned, that'd be ok... and i heard many many people have to talk about going to older save games all the time... If you're gonna play it, grab the strategy guide so you dont waste half your life doing stupid stuff and being short 3 bullets or something lame.

Graphics : 10
Movies : 10
Gameplay : 2 (so many complaints from people about that archaic game controls, really hard to aim at the dogs with knife and handgun IMHO) It should've been more like LOK:Soul Reaver
Fun Factor: Varied... but in the end it was more frustrating than fun, but the story was great.
Story: 10
I know the frustration you are referring to. I experienced it many times myself and NEVER gave up despite the odds.
My story of not giving me up was when Chris fights the Alexia and I only had the regular handgun as a weapon. I ran out of ammo over seven times in a row each time I tried, and after over 10 continuous tries I was able to beat her after I emptied ALL my bullets into her. My second story is of the final boss and the only weapon I had available was the handgun and Sub-Machine gun. I triggered the cutscene with only using the sub-machine gun.
I only had to load up an old save for when I couldn't beat the bosses and I needed more herbs and other stuff. Only happened about three times. Accidental deaths were about a total of four times for me. I hated that slab of rock.
The controls are a pain, but if they wanted to change it they would have, but they decided to make it challenging and not allow you to have weapons' line of sight for everywhere around you (again), but the new features like auto-aim are good.

[Edited by Foru2ctoo @ April 27, 2000 (edited 1 time)]
Yeah the controls can get alil difficult at times. But overall I've enjoyed it. One of the best games yet.