Return Of The Star Wars Kid


Chief Talker
PF Member
‘Star Wars’ star?

Will the infamous “Star Wars Kid” have his moment on the silver screen?

A homemade video of a 15-year-old from Quebec using a broomstick as a light saber became a favorite on the Internet, and now thousands of Star Wars Kid fans are petitioning LucasFilm, asking that the boy get a cameo in Episode III of the series.

“’NSync members were considered as potential extras,” wrote one petition signer. “This kid deserves a speaking role!!!” Noted another; “He’s waaaaay better than Jar Jar.”
What strikes me as funny is that PetitionOnline has become so bloated with ridiculous petitions that none of them can be taken seriously.
i heard about this, except when i heard it it was presented as fact, i'm kinda glad it's not true. but it would be pretty easy to drop him into the background somewhere, although i'm pretty sure it won't happen

have they all forgotten that the star wars kid is a colossal dip? or at least that his family is composed of colossal dips?

dd> true :sad: