RIAA Offers Amnesty


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
(CNN) -- The recording industry filed 261 lawsuits against individual Internet music file sharers Monday and announced an amnesty program for people who admit they illegally share music files across the Internet.

The federal lawsuits and amnesty program are the lastest moves by the Recording Industry Association of America in its fight against illegal trading of music files on the Internet, which record companies blame for declining sales.

Cary Sherman, president of the RIAA, said the civil lawsuits filed were against "major offenders" who made available an average of 1,000 copyrighted song files.

Sherman also announced the Clean Slate Program that grants amnesty to users who voluntarily identify themselves and promise not to share music on the Internet. The RIAA says it will not sue users who sign and have notarized a Clean Slate Program affidavit.

"We're willing to hold out our version of an olive branch," Sherman said.

In return, I offer the RIAA this:

Well said. :D

If this was an amnesty to the subpeonaed, then I could understand it. But to the public at large, it's a joke. I wonder how many takeups they get.
When ARIA decides to lodge lawsuits against an entire fifth of the Australian population (by their own admission), then I'll be worried. ;)

As of now, they haven't even lodged one.
that's about the fairest thing the RIAAs ever done in its history!

WTH, did they get some **** good record sales lately or somethin?

Oh well. I wont admit I download them, although what they dont know is I download mainly stuff I have.
Shadow> You're entitled to download stuff you have. It's called Fair Use. If you own it, you're legally entitled to have a copy of it. Whether you create that copy yourself, or you download it from someone else, is irrelevant.

What's illegal is for you to then share it with other people. The legality isn't in what you download, but what you allow others to download from you.