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Richard Dawkins interviews Creationist Wendy Wright


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I've only watched part one and she appears to be rather dense and close-minded; I don't even care about this sort of thing really but, well, I can't say I agree with her. :p Anyone seen this before? What do you think?

'n thinking about it, they appear hostile/intolerant of each-other from the off. I wonder what the other parts are like. :lol:
I really like Richard Dawkins though I haven't seen this video, I had better watch it when I can later :)
Just watched this; personally feel that she is deluded. Evolution is without a doubt a fact...even hundreds..thousands of creationists are believers of Evolution now, albeit they claim it's part of God's plan, but still.
I just feel that religion is deluded actually, the belief in God is brainwashing.
I have no disrespect for religious people, but I just hate religion itself and wish that man had never created it.
religion isn't the problem, but rather man itself(:
religion was created as a way to explain the world; in times where science was thinking mud spawned toads, religion was a way to explain larger things like how we were created and what happens when we die. it's also a very effected comfort mechanism in terms of death and things like PTSD (it happened for a reason, God is here for you, etc).
mankind is the one that skewed another's words into being something to validate selfish bits about themselves and make them seem the 'better' person (ie, most qualified for highest level in heaven). for example, let's imagine a child creates a club with very good values. help out grandma on weekends, clean up after dinner, say please and thank-you. the club itself is fine, but when that child's older brother decides to join and decides to make a new rule 'don't clean up after dinner if dad cooked', it's not the religion but the older brother. he took his own personal spite for his father and made the entire club follow on his own whim, causing other members to leave and branch off into their own little clubs (ie, luther disagreeing with catholicism charging money for blessings and creating the lutheran church).
man creates corruption, not the foundation he pissed on, lmfao.

anyway, i find she's stuck in a rather fantastical dream about what her religion tells her and is either too stubborn/prideful to admit wrong. TBH if the media wouldn't attack her so much if she ever admitted to believe in evolution, she'd probably be more apt to admit it. sensationalists exist on both sides which makes it difficult for either to shift in stance.
that and getting all this attention probably fuels her fire a bit more to get creationism in schools and whatnot
probably would be a lot easier if we just ignored it all
religion isn't the problem, but rather man itself(:
religion was created as a way to explain the world; in times where science was thinking mud spawned toads, religion was a way to explain larger things like how we were created and what happens when we die. it's also a very effected comfort mechanism in terms of death and things like PTSD (it happened for a reason, God is here for you, etc).
mankind is the one that skewed another's words into being something to validate selfish bits about themselves and make them seem the 'better' person (ie, most qualified for highest level in heaven). for example, let's imagine a child creates a club with very good values. help out grandma on weekends, clean up after dinner, say please and thank-you. the club itself is fine, but when that child's older brother decides to join and decides to make a new rule 'don't clean up after dinner if dad cooked', it's not the religion but the older brother. he took his own personal spite for his father and made the entire club follow on his own whim, causing other members to leave and branch off into their own little clubs (ie, luther disagreeing with catholicism charging money for blessings and creating the lutheran church).
man creates corruption, not the foundation he pissed on, lmfao.

anyway, i find she's stuck in a rather fantastical dream about what her religion tells her and is either too stubborn/prideful to admit wrong. TBH if the media wouldn't attack her so much if she ever admitted to believe in evolution, she'd probably be more apt to admit it. sensationalists exist on both sides which makes it difficult for either to shift in stance.
that and getting all this attention probably fuels her fire a bit more to get creationism in schools and whatnot
probably would be a lot easier if we just ignored it all

I really like your post n_n I 100%.
When I say I hate religion...I do hate what it tries to teach us, though I agree people often make it worse themselves.
LMAO i'm sorry i get really passionate about religion because i find it comforting
even though i'm an atheist
(i don't get it either)

but yeah, the way religion has been skewed it's totally off chart from what it was originally intended to teach: compassion, kindness, and acceptance.
now it's just compassion, kindness, and acceptance for white middle aged cisgendered males in the midwest.