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Part Of The Furniture
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Can someone tell me if the following people are still alive, in no order of importance.

I have no idea about any of them :(

I should send out a mass email to see how everyone is doing...that worked last time
Maybe absence means they are busy and happy. :)
Hey! Divine is alive! Good stuff. :) Where have you been?

Spoke to Samark a couple of weeks back, he has been heaps busy, but is alive enough. He promises to drop in here at some point. Don't make me a liar, Samark.

I've been away so long that I think I've forgotten a lot of people's names! I just went to ask about someone, but seriously can't remember his name! Oh well.
Mine is tough to remember, especially when it is in my avatar. :D

I think I was busy being left out of this thread. :p

I've around places, just not here or anywhere of importance. I was thinking about old forums I went to a few days ago, and saw my bookmark (it is always visible) for here.

I was surprised when I posted, then came back the next day to check the responses, and no one replied since I did! =\
Yeah, it's a bit that way. It's hard to find time for random internetting these days.
Don't be offended, it took me a lot longer time than it should have to come up with those names. :p
Random? The internets should be regular like the sunset and tides!

You can color me offended.

Or maybe white, or ... something other than white, coloring me white would be redundant.
Even if you were dead, you would still be around.

Now me on the other hand..

Well, I would probably be around, too. :(
If Kev wasn't around the site wouldn't exist. Der.

There are plenty of people missing from that list. But calling names out generally tends to get more of a response than a generalised "where is everyone".

Realistically, the majority of internet peeps tend to slot into 3 or 4 personality types anywho. I've had this conversation before now I think of it. With Panthro. Who is also not on this list.
There is no positive way to respond to that post.

Thanks for backing me into a corner. :ninja:

Cheese is the greatest invention since cows. :hmm:
lol. I'd tell you to just argue with me, but this is a nice place and such. :p

*tries to resist adding further comment to evidence my statements* :p

At the end of the day I think everyone here is great. That said, it's difficult to communicate enough through text on a screen in order to capture the individuality of someone to the extent of making a truely lasting impression.

I'm sure my onscreen "persona" or however I come across is mirrorred a million times throughout the vast net. I'm not going to pretend that I'm any different, or any more significant than the next poster. I'm at peace with it. *shrugs*
I think everyone is locked in a bathroom somewhere. :D

I think you forgot all the cool people, like Ant, Josh, Carmen... you know, all the weirdos and all the people better than anyone else. =\

Nice places can have some disagreement, there needs to be a little spice to keep things interesting. I'm really tired of drama and don't really do internet fighting anymore.

I think you just said you already forgot me. :unsure2:
I have no idea who Ant or Josh are, and I've never spoken to Carmen, have any of these people ever posted here?..

I enjoy conversing with you Divine, you're clearly an intelligent, witty person, but at the end of the day I have a memory like a sieve (part and parcel with the whole basket-case thing). If I spent a year away from this place there's a good chance that I would forget most people.

My original callout probably did not have the amount of effort that you might have expected in terms of naming all_the_important_people. It was merely a half-effort attempt at teasing some people out from the shaddows, the first ones that came to mind. Again, I should probably mention that I wasn't exactly naming my top 5 best friends ever-ever in order of importance or coolness lol. Just some people that sprang to mind. Panthro is probably the internet person who I know the most about and have talked the most with, and he didn't even make the list! lol

Wait, are Ant and Josh from that other-other forum? I've never been a member there. I can't remember the name of it. Would I know them by other names?

Anyways, feel free to take it apon yourself to roll-call-out everyone you think is important and enrich this forum. :)
I live :harhar:

Too bad everyone got split into all kinds of small forums.

I'm only actively posting on "the lurker forum" which is a continuation of "the bandit babe board". I do make a post now and then on TPF as well.

Hope everyone is ok.
Heya Kevin, I doubt the owner would be interested so...
Nothing much, you could swing by the lurkerforum and say hi ;)