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Rose is fined 25,000

No player is above the rules and this is the second time this month isn't it .
I mean common people leave the refs alone its not like they didn't do their job and everything.
Rose talks a lot and always talks when he think he needs too. NBA is a moneywhore.
I thought Rose was a relatively quiet guy. He seems to have been saying some stuff recently and getting bent out of shape a bit. I'm not a fan of him calling himself a "superstar". He has to be very careful that stuff doesn't get to his head.
Screw that, why should he be fined for speaking his mind?

Rose isn't a very vocal person to begin with. Normally, he never complains. So for him to come out and complain means he must have truly felt wronged somehow.
I thought Rose was a relatively quiet guy. He seems to have been saying some stuff recently and getting bent out of shape a bit. I'm not a fan of him calling himself a "superstar". He has to be very careful that stuff doesn't get to his head.

I always thought Rose was a quiet guy too. I'm surprised that this happened to him. Rules are rules though and Rose shouldn't have broken them. He is just as special as any other NBA player.
I always thought Rose was a quiet guy too. I'm surprised that this happened to him. Rules are rules though and Rose shouldn't have broken them. He is just as special as any other NBA player.

That is very true, rules are rules regardless. But even so, the rules suck when you can't even voice how you feel.
That is very true, rules are rules regardless. But even so, the rules suck when you can't even voice how you feel.

I think it's still possible for a NBA player's voice to be heard; it just has to be done in a more suitable manner. What Rose did was not very suitable at all. Does anyone think that the fine is excessive?
The 25k will probably be worth it as I'm sure he will start getting calls. The refs know that the focus will be on them while reffing Rose's games, so they will likely give him the benefit of the doubt on more calls since everybody will be paying attention.
I do think he may benefit from this, in that he will start getting more calls in his favor. We will see!
He was also in a minor car accident that day and was given not so good news about his groin injury.

I heard the reporter on ESPN today saying that he said it was the worst day of his life.
Rose is a good player, he is humble and they caught him slipping. Everyone messes up sometimes.
Rose is a good player, he is humble and they caught him slipping. Everyone messes up sometimes.

I agree fully with this :)
But I must say that $25,000 is a bit much isn't it?
superstar huh? humility for a change, and 25k? what are 25k to him? I think the NBA should be increasing their fines, since most of the fined player are the so called "superstars"\
ughh, so shallow
Derrick Rose is not the kind of guy to start conflict, so when he speaks up you have to listen. He's right about the refs. Too many times they make bad calls near the end of the games. When bad calls are game changers or close to the end of the game, refs should be fined.
I'm gonna start calling him Zen Rose. Like Phil Jackson(Zen Master), there's a method to the mad(ness.) The refs will take notice after being called out. They will make sure to give him the super star calls. It's human nation to step your game up after being called out.

You can't doubt his guys star status in the league. He was MVP for a reason.
I'm gonna start calling him Zen Rose. Like Phil Jackson(Zen Master), there's a method to the mad(ness.) The refs will take notice after being called out. They will make sure to give him the super star calls. It's human nation to step your game up after being called out.

You can't doubt his guys star status in the league. He was MVP for a reason.

Pretty much perfect right there :)
superstar huh? humility for a change, and 25k? what are 25k to him? I think the NBA should be increasing their fines, since most of the fined player are the so called "superstars"\
ughh, so shallow

Actually, you'll find that Derrick Rose is probably one of the least shallow sportsmen you'd ever see.

But as I said before, he should have ever right to be able to voice himself. As long as he isn't threatening, taking physical action, or doing anything malicious about it, he should be able to express his opinion.

Since when did the NBA (or any sports organization) become some police state?
Rose has a valid point. No NBA star gets as many nocalls as Rose does. Rose also drives and draws contact more than possibly any other all star. Durant gets calls Rose should be getting on the regular.
Rose has a valid point. No NBA star gets as many nocalls as Rose does. Rose also drives and draws contact more than possibly any other all star. Durant gets calls Rose should be getting on the regular.

It's unfair, but it's because the media doesn't seem him has "as big a star" as some others. And it reflects on the court. Which is messed up because he's the current MVP

Personally, getting calls should be about genuinely being fouled anyway, not your star status.