Russia to Pay Back IMF Early


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MOSCOW (AP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that Russia was prepared to start repaying its loans to the International Monetary Fund ahead of schedule.

"We will start repaying the Central Bank loans ahead of time," Putin told visiting IMF managing director Horst Koehler. "The $4.8 billion loan, which is due to be paid in 2003, part of it - $2.7 billion - we will start repaying this year and next."

personal opinion:

I think this is a huge step/milestone for russia and we should applaud them. Though it's inflation rate is still high it's leaps and bounds from where it was at right after the fall of the berlin wall. As the article states.. they're economy is becoming more stable. And as they continue to tap into the resources to their east i'm sure the country will have a decent future.
I agree. It's only now that Russia's taking some real steps to changing away from it's past and looking forward to the future. This, along with the sweeping alliance with the U.S. they've just signed, is a big step forward. :)