Saudi Arabia bans Pokemon

excellent news; and spidergoolash is banning pokemon from the united states

"only a white man would build a fire for everyone to see."

[crawl]resident spiderMOD[/crawl]
Yeah, but *I* got spider to reply to it - so there...

Actually, I'm glad you mentioned that - I'm wondering why the forums are kinda dull - it's cause I've got my settings on "Show topics from the last 5 days". Now that I switch it to 45, ahh, yes, now I see...

That and blue hyperlinks seem to be my nemeses this week...

My knob tastes funny.

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by possum37 on April 04, 2001 at 10:22 AM]</font>

"Falling even more in love with you...letting go of all I've held on to...I'm standing here until you make me move...I'm hanging by a moment here with you" - Lifehouse

AlienSoup Mod

Originally posted by possum37:
Yeah, but *I* got spider to reply to it - so there...

ha-HA. how do you like THAT? mr. dan poopypants


i've been using the &lt;grin&gt; icon way too much lately.

"only a white man would build a fire for everyone to see."

[crawl]resident spiderMOD[/crawl]

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by spidergoolash on April 04, 2001 at 09:55 PM]</font>
me too, hermie. as a matter of fact, i'm grinning most of the time in "real" life as well; while making poo jokes, of course.

"only a white man would build a fire for everyone to see."

[crawl]resident spiderMOD[/crawl]
And the third on Spidey's list should be


I'm glad somebody banned that BARNEY!!!!!

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, guru.
yes, a hiney icon. how wonderful. can we make that w/some poo coming out? maybe you guys can work on that one for me

spontaneous combustion = barney


"only a white man would build a fire for everyone to see."

[crawl]resident spiderMOD[/crawl]