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Scared of sharks?


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Sharks are naturally quite scary animals because they are very large and have lots of teeth. Sometimes you hear stories of people being killed by sharks and it's not nice to hear about.

Are you scared of sharks and what could potentially happen if you come into contact with one or do you not really care and don't think about it? I am scared of sharks and I always hesitate to go into the sea. I'm one of those people that hear the horror stories and panic myself!
I have only seen them in movies and wildlife documentaries on NatGeo Wild and it's not enough to have me scared of them. Yes, I know they can be very dangerous but I don't have any business with the open waters where they thrive.
I'm sort of scared of them. However, I rarely visit the beach. It's simply too far away. However, getting a shark attack is rare these days probably and I'd have to take the risk if I went to the ocean.
Sharks mean one of the most dangerous animals on earth. There is no need trying to have an encounter before we can agree that it is the truth.
I have never been close to a shark but I have seen enough on the TV to know I would be scared of them if I were to come close to them in person. Some of them are huge and just the size of their teeth would be enough to put me off being near one at all.
I'm fascinated by sharks and we love watching Shark Week on tv. And yet, I'm afraid of going into oceans because I know what they can do. It's their domain and I don't need to be there.
I've never actually seen a shark in real life before, but I've also never been to the beach. The main reason why I never actually want to go is because of certain animals, mainly Jellyfish and not sharks though. I find sharks to be fascinating creatures, not really freaky.