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School uniform?


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U. S. A.
Do you think kids should be required to wear a school uniform when they're going to school? Why or why not?
This is a debate which I think will never be solved. I've seen uniforms help reduce the numbers of disruptions and distractions within a class, as well as creating a more formal atmosphere. They can also help parents avoid having to pay a ton of money on designer clothing, which is often important for kids in middle school and high school. On the other hand, uniforms allow for less individual express and can sometimes be less comfortable.
I say they should have all a school jacket and shirt so they cant be identified as part of that school, but some schools take it too far and go overboard with the level of uniform required to be worn everyday.
I believe that while uniforms are good in making everyone look well, uniform, which helps alleviate issues of those less well off than those who are wealthy, but schools seem to take it way over the top. I remember in my school everything, literally, had to be to the schools policy, including socks which is just going overboard :p So yeah while it has its pros, I think it could be a bit more lienient
There are pros and cons with uniforms. Amongst the pros there is the fact that school uniforms may reduce the focus on fashion and expensive clothing, and as a happy consequence; reducing the social class differences between the kids that have parents that can afford the newest and coolest and the kids that don't. How much it reduces that focus is another discussion though, and we know that at schools with uniforms the focus only shifts to accessories etc, for example to expensive shoes etc.

The con with uniforms is that it robs away the kids' individuality. Clothing is, and especially in the teens, one of the clearest marks of identity. One dresses in a certain way to signal, to some extent, who you are. Having the possibility to dress more or less as you want to dress is a value in itself, and a value I think should be protected.
They should wear uniform. For me beyond the clothes it helps them with their identity as a student of a particular school and security as well. Plus it looks neat and organized when they are wearing one!
In my opinion, there are many significance of wearing school uniform that can benefits the student, parents, school and the teachers. Some students pressure to wear stylish clothes to school thinking that it may not going to look good on them and be bully by other students so instead,better wear school uniform. Parents can save some money because school uniform has lower cost than buying signature and trendy clothes for their children. Furthermore, school uniform is one of the schools trademark for them to recognize their school and it can also be use as their marketing strategy because some parents and students also look on the style and comfort ability of the uniform. And for the teachers, it is important that their surrounding are neat and students wearing school uniform can help them concentrate and focus on teaching because sometimes wearing different colored clothes can distract the sight of the teachers.
I think having a school uniform is a good thing.Aside from being identified as a student of a certain school it also brings a sense of equality among the students.Not every parent can afford to buy their kids the latest brands.Some may point out that forcing the students to wear a uniform is taking away their right for self-expression and individuality but I think clothes don't really make a person and there are many ways to express one's self.Students could be identified through their skills, individual characteristics, and talents.
The con with uniforms is that it robs away the kids' individuality. Clothing is, and especially in the teens, one of the clearest marks of identity. One dresses in a certain way to signal, to some extent, who you are. Having the possibility to dress more or less as you want to dress is a value in itself, and a value I think should be protected.

Oddly enough, uniforms don't lessen caste differences. For instance, look at a prison. They all wear drab orange (or some other single color) clothing, yet there are clearly major differences among individuals. In fact, behind bars, social order is everything.