Several reported hurt in California school shooting


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
SAN DIEGO, California (CNN) -- Several students have been wounded in a shooting at high school near San Diego, California, authorities reported.

The shooting took place at Santana High School in Santee, California, northeast of San Diego. CNN affiliate KGTV is reporting that five to six people were injured. Authorities say one suspect, apparently a student, is in custody.

Students were quickly evacuated to a parking lot across the street from a school, police said.

The shooting occurred about 9:25 a.m. (12:25 p.m. EST) at a social sciences building on the high school grounds.

"I heard gunfire and then I heard people screaming and everyone was running in, like, a big crowd," a Santana High School student told KGTV. San Diego County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Susan Plese said a call came in reporting gun shots and "people down," but it was unclear how many were hurt or how extensive their injuries were.

Police and sheriff's deputies were questioning students evacuated from the school and checking to see if any other suspects were involved, said Beth Bowen, manager of the restaurant where students were assembling after the shooting.

"Everybody was running. A whole lot of people were crying. Nobody knew what really happened," student Alicia Zimmer told KGTV.

Story from

Mother Should I Trust The Government - Pink Floyd
Good God....not again....

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, guru.
The Doom3 engine was displayed at Macworld, that must be the cause.

I am the Lowest Common Denominator, LCD!!!!
This is getting out of control. It should be a capital offense to fire a gun in a school.

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, guru.
Not again...

Well, there is always one way of stopping school shootings.

Gun control.

In most cases, I'd be against gun control.
Why is it that Australia has never had a school shooting?

Because there aren't the guns. When all adults have guns, there is no crime. When children/teenagers have guns, there's bloodshed.

So while I definitely agree it should be a capital offense, I think gun control laws need to be tightened. Where are these maniacs getting their guns?

One door closed is one door opened
One more memory fades away
Such grand dreams we all have chosen
We lost our innocence along the way
- Rose Bygrave, "Innocence"

Gun control laws are all well and good, but the problem is that in the U.S., we already have the guns. It's too late for gun control. Plus the Constitution has been misinterpreted by a vocal group of people to mean that all people have the right to own as many guns of whatever type as they want. Plus, there are some people in places like Texas who think that increased gun possesion will decrease crime since criminals will be afraid.

Essentially there is no easy solution. Current laws need to be strengthened. It does need to be harder to buy pistols and assault rifles. Also, gun shows need to have the same rules as gun shops.

my eyes, the goggles do nothing
Most people who abuse guns don't get them legally. So while the crime commiters can get ahold of them however they want, if you want to get one legally, the gun control laws will only then affect you.

It's sort of like back in school when the tacher would punish the whole class for the actions of a few, and the only students who it affected were the ones who never caused a problem in the first place.

So while selling guns over the counter to anyone would probably makes things much worse, whenever some incident happens, the government just slaps more regulations and limits on the legal side, thus screwing over the 90% of gun owners who use it for recreational shooting and home safety. There's even laws trying to be passed in this state to make bulletproof vests illegal, and I believe California already has passed one.

I am the Lowest Common Denominator, LCD!!!!
Yeah, I can see your point.
As I said, in most cases I'd be against gun control. I'm not debating that criminals are going to get their hands on guns anyway.

Gun control stops children and teenagers getting their hands on guns (although, as jourgenson said, it's a bit late for that in the US), not criminals.

Although it's going to be a major pain in the **** for those who legally hold guns, if they want to halt school shootings, then it's the one thing they can do...

One door closed is one door opened
One more memory fades away
Such grand dreams we all have chosen
We lost our innocence along the way
- Rose Bygrave, "Innocence"

This recent trend in school gun-shooting type violence upsets me deep into my soul. That is because it makes a statement of society, ethics, youth's potential for apathy and immorality...all simultaneously. There's a difference between a teenager having access to a gun, or even being able to buy a gun illegally -- and that of that teenager being able to kill. To kill peers, to put finality to a person's life and potential without being able to in any way feel for them, or their family's plight. Society needs to improve its ethics very soon, or I fear we're just at the beginning of a downward spiral toward self-destruction. It's not just the tools to acheive destruction that have to be removed, but the very seed of that destruction -- that is, the willingness on the part of the individual to commit such a heinous act. We must culture and exhibit healthy and caring sentiments, and hope that they too -- like these recent shootings -- are trends that spread in a rampant fashion.
monsieurjohn: we have 2 yaks on campus
KNSinatra: you lie.
monsieurjohn: no i don't. i don't know what they're doing here, but they're real.

En fuego, bebe.

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by KNSinatra on March 06, 2001 at 04:46 AM]</font>
First off let me say that these school shootings deeply disturb me as well. I can't believe that any teenager has the ability to go to school with the intent to kill his/her peers. I believe that it says something about our society and how our children are being raised.

Secondly I want to say that I hate it when guns are the first thing blamed. to use the old cleshe(sp?) Guns dont kill people, People kill people. While without guns it would be harder for people to kill each other I dont believe that they are to blame for all these reacent school shootings. Once again this goes back to the morals of our society. I was raised around guns my entire life. I learned to shoot a gun when I was 5 years old, however I was ALWAYS taught that it is wrong to kill people, and that guns are not something to be played with. I wasnt even alowed to point a fake gun at a person when I was playing. I am an avid sportsman and I enjoy using firearms for recreational pourposes. I honestly dont believe that any additional gun control will help our society but that what is really nessary is for children to be better taught right from wrong. I just hope that we can catch the morals of our society before we start that downward spiral that KNS was talking about.

Mother Should I Trust The Government - Pink Floyd
I'm gonna go out on a limb, here. I think these things happen because the people who are even capable of doing this just don't understand the concepts of love and respect. That's one thing I am happy to have been taught by my family, and I am happy to say that there are many of us here that have received the same background. Mth, you and I can definitely impact this by giving our children the love and nurture that they deserve. Part of this love and nurture DEMANDS teaching not only right from wrong, but also a respect for the religion or creed that your family observes. Love and nurture also include encouraging outside activities and teaching about very real things....namely sex, guns, drugs, and other horrors of this world. Prox, I too, have learned to shoot a gun at an early age, and I too have been taught that it was not only WRONG to handle a gun in an unsafe manner, but it was ABSOLUTELY WRONG to kill or even PLOT to kill any person.

Controlling guns won't help the situation. People can kill with knives, too....very easily. A gun is merely an efficient tool for killing, and the shooting is only a symptom of a very terrible illness in our society. The root cause of this illness is in the family unit. We desperately need to return to the concept of the family unit...a unit of love, support, and nurturing for EVERY member.

Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, guru.
I agree 100% JHowse. There's a greater problem at the root of all this, than just gun control laws, german music, or doom, or whatever they want to use as a scapegoat now.

I am the Lowest Common Denominator, LCD!!!!
Yeah, I'd mostly agree with that.
The problem is, though, that a minority of irresponsible parents aren't going to teach their kids that lesson, so they're being set loose in the community like that.

In an ideal world, as I said before, I'm against gun control. The one situation where I believe we need gun control is with school shootings.

When I was at school, there were a couple of people who, if they ever got their hands on a gun while they were still young, would be a serious threat to the community.

One door closed is one door opened
One more memory fades away
Such grand dreams we all have chosen
We lost our innocence along the way
- Rose Bygrave, "Innocence"

so now its the government's job to step into a paternal role, and compensate for the shortcomings of a minorty of irresponsible parents? Deprive the masses of a right, to regulate the few...

Tell me, if this sentiment exists within these children to commit these acts of horror, what is going to stop them from going on the internet, and finding bomb recipes in lieu of a gun they can't acquire. It seems that the core problem is the attitude of these individuals, and regulations of the type of which we speak are mere band-aids to keep trying to cover up a much deeper problem.

monsieurjohn: we have 2 yaks on campus
KNSinatra: you lie.
monsieurjohn: no i don't. i don't know what they're doing here, but they're real.

En fuego, bebe.
Even if guns were allowed to be sold without regulation, how many kids are going to come up with $700+ for a handgun. Heck, I'm 20, and I couldn't come up with that amount of money.

I am the Lowest Common Denominator, LCD!!!!
It's a tough call.. something that could be debated back and forth...
It's hard for me to comment about gun control b/c I don't know enough information.
Guns are scary... I would never hunt either, but if these things are what people prefer and they are responsible about it, then so be it. Meanwhile, these children are committing copycat crimes, and perhaps they're not getting the right messages/attention from their family.

"Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks"
Band-aids they might be, but, and I know I keep going back to this.

Australia has never had a school shooting.
I've lost count of the number of times America has.

Australia has gun control.
America doesn't.

Surely there must be something in that.

One door closed is one door opened
One more memory fades away
Such grand dreams we all have chosen
We lost our innocence along the way
- Rose Bygrave, "Innocence"


A few clippings from the article:

Twenty-six percent of English citizens -- roughly one-quarter of the population -- have been victimized by violent crime. Australia led the list with more than 30 percent of its population victimized.
The United States didn't even make the "top 10" list of industrialized nations whose citizens were victimized by crime.

"After Australia and England and Wales, the highest prevalence of crime was in Holland (25 percent), Sweden (25 percent) and Canada (24 percent). The United States, despite its high murder rate, was among the middle ranking countries with a 21 percent victimization rate,"

The study found that Australia led in burglary rates, with nearly 4 percent of the population having been victimized by a burglary. Denmark was second with 3.1 percent; the U.S. was listed eighth at about 1.8 percent.

Analysts in the U.S. were quick to point out that all of the other industrialized nations included in the survey had stringent gun-control laws, but were overall much more violent than the U.S.

In March 2000, WorldNetDaily reported that since Australia's widespread gun ban, violent crime had increased in the country.

-Countrywide, homicides are up 3.2 percent.
-Assaults are up 8.6 percent.
-Amazingly, armed robberies have climbed nearly 45 percent.
-In the Australian state of Victoria, gun homicides have climbed 300 percent.
-In the 25 years before the gun bans, crime in -Australia had been dropping steadily.
-There has been a reported "dramatic increase" in home burglaries and assaults on the elderly.

Basically, when we have a shooting, it makes front page news, because our press is out of control. I remember right after Columbine, there was a vague rumour of a repeat in my town, so the newpaper printed in HUGE letters "Tomorrow students will die" on the front page, which of course caused panic accross the elementary school, which was exactly what they wanted.

I am the Lowest Common Denominator, LCD!!!!

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by Goshzilla on March 06, 2001 at 08:33 PM]</font>
I'm not I've said four times in this thread, if it wasn't for school shootings, I'd be against gun control. I wouldn't mind being able to carry a handgun around with me. It'd certainly make me feel a lot safer. The problem with that is that I'd have to be wearing kevlar to school.

One door closed is one door opened
One more memory fades away
Such grand dreams we all have chosen
We lost our innocence along the way
- Rose Bygrave, "Innocence"

nah.. all your arguments are valid.. but i think white people are just wacko's..

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by WaterB on March 08, 2001 at 12:30 AM]</font>