<b>News: Saturday, August 23rd, 2003</b><BR>
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZkuZDgaCRwYA"></a><p>
<b>More USB LED Mods @ MHW</b><BR>
"I decided I could do it better, cheaper, faster and especially cheaper. I went to K&J Electronics in Westminster, Ca – a fine source for all your bits and pieces, and bought two hi-intensity 5mm 3.5v LED’s for about 5 bucks a piece. Then I wondered about how to step down the power from a Molex to run them … but since I am a lazy guy that would be too much work so I decided to take my power from the internal USB extension pins."<br>
See the rest <a href="http://www.monster-hardware.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=82" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZkFyyerQGIob"></a><p>
<b>HEXUS Review : Asetek VapoChill XE : How Cool?</b><BR>
"I'm addicted to phase change now, Asetek will have to prise this unit from my cold, dead, R404a chilled hands. The performance and new ChillControl make VapoChill'ing an attractive proposition for the hardcore enthusiast with deep pockets."<br>
See the rest <a href="http://forums.hexus.net/showthread.php?threadid=2114" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZkEAnJKjXgkW"></a><p>
<b>ByteRunner's USB Sound Card Review/Mod @ ExtensionTech.net</b><BR>
"The company I work for lets their programmers listen to music to “boost productivity.” So, we lonely drones in the computer room get neglected. I was jokingly conversing with my supervisor about letting us listen to music. His response was “Sure, if they can, so can we.” “Cool”. The next day here I come with my headphones and MP3s…stick the CD in, pull out my PC to plug in my headphones…wait…”****, there’s no sound card!” My superior thought himself clever. “But wait, don’t they make USB soundcards?” Which brought me to ByteRunner."<br>
See the rest <a href="http://www.extensiontech.net/reviews/sound/usbsoundcard.shtml" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZEAliaNYUmoJ"></a><p>
<b>Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 380GB SATA RAID-0 Stripset Article @ Modtown</b><BR>
"By pairing the two Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 200GB SATA/150 hard drives in a RAID-0 volume, we have shown that there are some potentially large performance increases to be gained that even out-perform some of the fastest SCSI hard drives and double the performance when compared to a single SATA hard drive (The best result overall, in terms of totally out-performing the single SATA hard drive, was 87.1 Mb/s faster)..."<br>
Man I wish I had these... See the rest <a href="mhtml:mid://00000079/!http://modtown.co.uk/mt/images/article/sataraid/modtown_net_raidbx.jpg" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZEyZFQcoTNdC"></a><p>
<b>Thermaltake Ducting Mod</b><BR>
“I have seen a lot of really weird ways of keeping CPU's cool lately and this is one of those off the wall ideas that I think looks pretty good. The idea behind this mod is to pull the fan away from the heat sink to cut down on the turbulence that is normally caused by the fans hub blocking the flow of air across the center of the heat sink. “<br>
See the rest <a href="http://www.cybercpu.net/review/thermaltake/duckingmod/" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZEukNoFaDVzc"></a><p>
<b>"The WallComp" at Blynk.net</b><BR>
"For a while I had wanted to do something different. I wanted to make a new type of computer case unlike any I have seen, but I didn’t even know what to make it with. I thought of working with fiberglass (car-stereo style), real glass, or even modifying a glass desk. Then I found the Soldam Prism (now Prism II). This one desk/case really inspired me. A few seconds after I laid eyes on it, I was already imagining it sideways on my wall. Of course the $750 price tag to get it to my door quickly eliminated that idea. It was time to take drastic measures... it was time to mod" <br>
See the rest <a href="http://www.blynk.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=Diner_Wrapper&file=index&req=ShowFile&file_wrap=html/reviews/wallcomp/page1.htm" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZEFpTTWeHvtK"></a><p>
<b>Enermax CS-517LBFS-B+ Mid-Tower Case</b><BR>
"Today, we’ll look at the very interesting Enermax CS-517LBFS-B+ steel (front bezel manufactured of aluminum) Mid-Tower case. I say interesting, because it has the glossiest automotive type finish I’ve seen on any case, plus a slew of innovative and downright cool features, not to mention the low suggested retail price of around $ 80.00 US, and that includes a power supply."<br>
See the rest <a href="http://www.systemcooling.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1091" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZEEAdgDqMPCz"></a><p>
<b>Voided News (PCMods.com RheoBus, Version 2.5)</b><BR>
"I use the phone a lot while I am working on the computer. With my 120mm, 90mm and 2x80mm fans I have a hard time hearing clients or friends. The Rheobus fan controller allows me to quickly turn my fans down to a quiet speed."<br>
See the rest <a href="http://voidedwarranty.com/modules.php?name=Reviews&op=viewarticle&artid=77" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZEpFMXResUsI"></a><p>
<b>Lite-On 52x32x52x CD-RW Review @ Techware Labs</b><BR>
"With 52x burn speeds, it is not the minor speed differences (a few seconds here, a few seconds there) that matter. What matters is that the quality of the burns stays consistently high when writing at such speeds, and quality is that on which the review will focus - so let's see if the Lite-On 52x32x52 drive is up to scratch!"<br>
See the rest <a href="http://www.techwarelabs.com/reviews/storage/liteon_52x/" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZkuZDgaCRwYA"></a><p>
<b>More USB LED Mods @ MHW</b><BR>
"I decided I could do it better, cheaper, faster and especially cheaper. I went to K&J Electronics in Westminster, Ca – a fine source for all your bits and pieces, and bought two hi-intensity 5mm 3.5v LED’s for about 5 bucks a piece. Then I wondered about how to step down the power from a Molex to run them … but since I am a lazy guy that would be too much work so I decided to take my power from the internal USB extension pins."<br>
See the rest <a href="http://www.monster-hardware.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=82" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZkFyyerQGIob"></a><p>
<b>HEXUS Review : Asetek VapoChill XE : How Cool?</b><BR>
"I'm addicted to phase change now, Asetek will have to prise this unit from my cold, dead, R404a chilled hands. The performance and new ChillControl make VapoChill'ing an attractive proposition for the hardcore enthusiast with deep pockets."<br>
See the rest <a href="http://forums.hexus.net/showthread.php?threadid=2114" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZkEAnJKjXgkW"></a><p>
<b>ByteRunner's USB Sound Card Review/Mod @ ExtensionTech.net</b><BR>
"The company I work for lets their programmers listen to music to “boost productivity.” So, we lonely drones in the computer room get neglected. I was jokingly conversing with my supervisor about letting us listen to music. His response was “Sure, if they can, so can we.” “Cool”. The next day here I come with my headphones and MP3s…stick the CD in, pull out my PC to plug in my headphones…wait…”****, there’s no sound card!” My superior thought himself clever. “But wait, don’t they make USB soundcards?” Which brought me to ByteRunner."<br>
See the rest <a href="http://www.extensiontech.net/reviews/sound/usbsoundcard.shtml" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZEAliaNYUmoJ"></a><p>
<b>Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 380GB SATA RAID-0 Stripset Article @ Modtown</b><BR>
"By pairing the two Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 200GB SATA/150 hard drives in a RAID-0 volume, we have shown that there are some potentially large performance increases to be gained that even out-perform some of the fastest SCSI hard drives and double the performance when compared to a single SATA hard drive (The best result overall, in terms of totally out-performing the single SATA hard drive, was 87.1 Mb/s faster)..."<br>
Man I wish I had these... See the rest <a href="mhtml:mid://00000079/!http://modtown.co.uk/mt/images/article/sataraid/modtown_net_raidbx.jpg" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZEyZFQcoTNdC"></a><p>
<b>Thermaltake Ducting Mod</b><BR>
“I have seen a lot of really weird ways of keeping CPU's cool lately and this is one of those off the wall ideas that I think looks pretty good. The idea behind this mod is to pull the fan away from the heat sink to cut down on the turbulence that is normally caused by the fans hub blocking the flow of air across the center of the heat sink. “<br>
See the rest <a href="http://www.cybercpu.net/review/thermaltake/duckingmod/" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZEukNoFaDVzc"></a><p>
<b>"The WallComp" at Blynk.net</b><BR>
"For a while I had wanted to do something different. I wanted to make a new type of computer case unlike any I have seen, but I didn’t even know what to make it with. I thought of working with fiberglass (car-stereo style), real glass, or even modifying a glass desk. Then I found the Soldam Prism (now Prism II). This one desk/case really inspired me. A few seconds after I laid eyes on it, I was already imagining it sideways on my wall. Of course the $750 price tag to get it to my door quickly eliminated that idea. It was time to take drastic measures... it was time to mod" <br>
See the rest <a href="http://www.blynk.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=Diner_Wrapper&file=index&req=ShowFile&file_wrap=html/reviews/wallcomp/page1.htm" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZEFpTTWeHvtK"></a><p>
<b>Enermax CS-517LBFS-B+ Mid-Tower Case</b><BR>
"Today, we’ll look at the very interesting Enermax CS-517LBFS-B+ steel (front bezel manufactured of aluminum) Mid-Tower case. I say interesting, because it has the glossiest automotive type finish I’ve seen on any case, plus a slew of innovative and downright cool features, not to mention the low suggested retail price of around $ 80.00 US, and that includes a power supply."<br>
See the rest <a href="http://www.systemcooling.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1091" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZEEAdgDqMPCz"></a><p>
<b>Voided News (PCMods.com RheoBus, Version 2.5)</b><BR>
"I use the phone a lot while I am working on the computer. With my 120mm, 90mm and 2x80mm fans I have a hard time hearing clients or friends. The Rheobus fan controller allows me to quickly turn my fans down to a quiet speed."<br>
See the rest <a href="http://voidedwarranty.com/modules.php?name=Reviews&op=viewarticle&artid=77" target="_blank">here</a>.
<a name="newsitemEpyEyyZEpFMXResUsI"></a><p>
<b>Lite-On 52x32x52x CD-RW Review @ Techware Labs</b><BR>
"With 52x burn speeds, it is not the minor speed differences (a few seconds here, a few seconds there) that matter. What matters is that the quality of the burns stays consistently high when writing at such speeds, and quality is that on which the review will focus - so let's see if the Lite-On 52x32x52 drive is up to scratch!"<br>
See the rest <a href="http://www.techwarelabs.com/reviews/storage/liteon_52x/" target="_blank">here</a>.