Yesterday morning the principal at my three oldest kids' Jr. High School was shot and killed. The shooter was a 14 yr old student. He turned the gun on himself and died instantly.
Unfortunately, this all happened in front of an entire cafeteria full of students...including my own.
They all gather in the lunch room in the morning before homeroom...and this is where it all occured.
i hope everything is okay for you and your family, although i'm sure it will be a while before anything is back to normal. be sure to seek out any help you need
all the best from me, and i'm sure the rest of the people here will keep you in their thoughts and prayers as well
That is so hard to believe! I hope your kids are ok. That is certainly something that could give nightmares. I hope you are ok? I couldn't even imagine what it was like to hear about this.
Well I hope things settle down ok and the kids at that school also are ok.
this is most definitely a parent's worst nightmare come true i'm so sorry to hear about this. my heart goes out to you and your family. please keep us posted on how things are going.
That is an absolutely horrid ordeal, all my best wishes for you and your family. I couldn't imagine what that would do to a kid watching it all play out. Family is very important right now. I bet you're trying hard not to even let them out of your sight. You're all in my prayers.
They've all talked about it with me and my husband. That's always a good thing...right?
My son said it was really scary. I can't even imagine.
I was scared to death here at home...just hearing about what happened that morning. I sort of panicked because we live out in the middle of nowhere, really. My husband had the I couldn't get to the school to get them. All I could really do was sit here and wait to hear updates and eventually hear from the kids.
When the news first announced that the principal was shot and a child was killed...I got right on the phone...but for over an hour I could not get through to anyone. I guess all the parents were calling at that same time.
It was very frightening.
I wish we knew what happened to that poor child to make him snap like that. It sure would answer a lot of questions.
Originally posted by Space 'K' Horizon I wish we knew what happened to that poor child to make him snap like that. It sure would answer a lot of questions.
The way you describe it, it sounds eerily similar to the helplessness I felt on 9/11, not knowing if my mother was working in or around the WTC that day, or if my father was in that area (they both have jobs where they frequently travel to different locations in NYC on a daily basis).
Unlike you, I was able to see what was happening outside my office window. That was bad enough, but I would imagine having to watch it and try to get information from the news would make the situation even more frustrating.
I can completely sympathize with what you were likely feeling at that time, but the important thing is that everyone in your family is okay.
And yes, it's a good thing that your kids are talking to you about it. Try to encourage that, as it's much more theraputic for them to get it out and get your feedback then to try to figure out their feelings on this incident on their own.
According to a news story, nobody (in the school) knows of a valid reason for the kid to have done what he did as the principal was such a friendly and approachable guy.