Should children own cell phones?


Emerging Talker
PF Member
What are your thoughts on children owning cellphones? My little cousin got one when she was like 7 I think.And her older brother had to buy one, he didn't get one until he was about 18 or something.

I'm 15 and I don't own a cellphone. I don't really mind that much. I would rather work for my cellphone when I get a job than have something my parents have to pay for monthly. Hard work always pays off for something good.
I think it is not advisable to give children cellphones to play with. Then their full concentration may turn upside down. Spend more time in cellphone, social networks etc.
You can't say yes or no period. It all depends on the kid. If the kid is a all round good kid then they are unlikely to want one that bad anyway and if a parent doesn't give them one they won't be bothered.

If it's an impressionable kid that has strong peers then they'll want one so that they fit in with their friends and are likely to cause a fuss if their parents don't give them one, or they'll get laughed at by their friends or other school mates that do have one.

If they are more of a tear-away kid then not giving them a phone will make no difference as they will do what it takes to get one, and that is more concerning than a child actually having a phone.
Bingo. GP has hit the nail on the head.
These days it is a safety issue and that is why kids need some kind of phone for use in emergencies. My brother has an LG Optimus and he is only 13 but this weekend I will be rooting it and installing Cerberus on it so that in case it is stolen or goes missing etc., that we will be able to track its location.
In the future, my kids will have a cellphone but it wont be smartphone. They wont have those until they are old enough to work and pay for it themselves.
Cellphone is now very common these days. It is even cheap then school text book. I do not see a reason why not.