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Should there be a salary cap in baseball


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The NBA and NFL both have a salary cap but the MLB does not. It's hard to argue that teams that spend more don't have a better chance at winning it all when only 1 team in the past 15 years has won the World Series and was in the bottom half of the league in payroll.
The way that revenue sharing works, what they really need is a salary FLOOR! Both the Marlins and Pirates have routinely spent LESS money than what they get in sharing. That is just absurd.

Part of the issue with baseball and fairness is that players are often obtained through methods other than the draft. With scouting in foreign countries, etc, not every player comes through an American High School or College.

All in all, baseball is actually quite fair in comparison to say, the NBA. The NFL is a highly unusual league and really does promote parity through giving the FOs of each team the power to basically completely dictate the direction of the team in the draft.
Salary Cap basically includes a salary floor. I think teams are forced to use like 85% or 90% of the cap at least.
Salary Cap basically includes a salary floor. I think teams are forced to use like 85% or 90% of the cap at least.

This. The NBA is a different issue due to there only being 5 players on the floor at a time. It's easy for a team to be very dominant and for other teams to be horrible. In the MLB a salary cap would really create parity IMO.
Salary Floor would be nice. It's terrible some these Major League teams field out there to try and make money with no intention of winning. You got to feel for those fan bases who don't have much to look forward to.
Salary Floor would be nice. It's terrible some these Major League teams field out there to try and make money with no intention of winning. You got to feel for those fan bases who don't have much to look forward to.

As a Cleveland Indians fan we rarely have a chance at the playoffs because our owners are purely trying to keep their head above water (thankfully we are in the central and don't have to compete with the AL East or West). Some teams have it even worse than we do though.. They just need to level the playing field with a cap IMO..
I think the better question is when will league realignment occur? These big market teams always playing each other and missing playoff spots is the bigger travesty. The Yankees, Rays, and Red Sox should have shots at the postseason considering they were better than almost every team anyway. Some teams barely field a team (Pirates, Marlins) because they know the luxury tax is going to help their bottom line.

Salary caps don't prove that the league will be on even playing field. Look at some of these dominant teams in the NFL and NBA. Take the Patriots or the Lakers for example. They have a salary cap yet are perennial powerhouses while the Charlotte Bobcats and Browns are usually always garbage. I agree with a salary floor, which some sports do already have.
There is no perfect system. Salary cap has bag things about it the same as the free market had before. The lesser of the 2 evils though most likely is with cap, would you not agree? I to am againsed all these blood thirsty owners ripping off their teams so that they can make more money. Bleed the fans dry, the ones who pay their salaries and love the game. Owners need to love the game and play to win. How can we make them?
Although I don't see it ever happening, I feel the MLB needs a salary cap badly. The small market teams are constantly forced to let go of fan favorites and franchise type players because the big boys like the Yankees or Rangers offer them contracts these teams can't match. That isn't good for the game or the fans. In a perfect world, the MLB would somehow implement a salary cap but I'm not getting my hopes up.
As a Cleveland Indians fan we rarely have a chance at the playoffs because our owners are purely trying to keep their head above water (thankfully we are in the central and don't have to compete with the AL East or West). Some teams have it even worse than we do though.. They just need to level the playing field with a cap IMO..

I am a die hard Athletics fan and it's frustrating watching my team lose player after player because we can't afford them. People around here (the bay area) are growing tired of the revolving door of players. Every year it's a guessing game on opening day as to who the players are. I'll never abandon my A's though, I'm too emotionally attached.
Meh, there are plusses and minuses to the system. I personally think that baseball is much better off without a salary cap. Most teams will up their payroll once they have a competitive team (Mariners, Tigers, Twins, Marlins). Its a different system, but its a solid, working system.

Sorry A's!
I am a die hard Athletics fan and it's frustrating watching my team lose player after player because we can't afford them. People around here (the bay area) are growing tired of the revolving door of players. Every year it's a guessing game on opening day as to who the players are. I'll never abandon my A's though, I'm too emotionally attached.

Same problem in Cleveland. Having to watch both of our CY young winners leave in consecutive seasons and pitch against each other in the World Series is brutal.
Our sports stars are idols to most people, but their paychecks sometimes seems a bit high to me. There's one thing to be earning enough to want to continue playing, but to earn so much money that it's just a fountain of excess? I know a lot of the players live in the lap of luxury because of their huge salaries. I am torn on this subject. On the one hand, you don't want them to quit the sport, but at the same time you don't want them becoming so engrossed in their paychecks that they ignore what they are doing. Money is a catalyst for some people and causes them to decline in their work. I am not so sure that one player who earns more actually works up to their potential as much as one who earns less.
Yea, I think it's ridiculous what some of these guys make. On the other had though, I think if their salary were to be capped, they wouldn't try as hard as they do now.
Yea, I think it's ridiculous what some of these guys make. On the other had though, I think if their salary were to be capped, they wouldn't try as hard as they do now.

Try as hard? Baseball players already play one of the most laxed pro sports and get paid the most for it.
I definately agree, so many of the small teams lose great players to the huge teams who are able to offer them huge contracts they can't resist. In the long term it should improve the league considerably and make it far more entertaining to watch if they introduced a salary cap.
I think that it is quite unfair on those smaller teams when the larger ones have such good financial backing, but then again, if all the teams could afford best players equally, there wouldnt be much of a league. There has to be somewhere for the newby players to start and thats in the smaller teams. Once they get noticed and become more valuable, they progress further to the larger teams. Its how most everything else works in life too. I dont really see a point then in capping salaries. If you work in the medical profession for example, you wouldnt expect to work as a junior dr, then move on to being a consultant and find that your salary has been capped to what you were at when you were a junior. Its kind of the same thing. If you work hard for something, then you deserve that recognition.
No one is really considering that these lower-market teams also have the power to make internal changes and grow their business. They have opportunities to get sponsors just like every other team but choose to use their marketing dollars in other ways. Everyone also seems to forget that the Yanks and Red Sox have the lowest profit margins in the league because they dump so much money into baseball operations.

Other teams have a massive profit margin that goes into the owner's pocket instead of baseball operation. And every team in the league gets a piece of the luxury tax the bigger market teams pay out. I think last year each team received $8 million from the luxury tax. That can get you a pretty solid player to bolster your team.
I think they should have a salary cap. It helps to level the league out. It would not be much of a competition if the franchises with the most money bought the best players. Fans want to believe their team has a chance to win, and with several teams holding the best players, it would be a monopoly and not as fun to watch.
The implementation of a salary cap and floor would mean that players' contracts would be more watched after, as benchmarks and as mistakes.
Personally though, I would like to see the salaries of the players drop a little bit, 20M a year is just ridiculous.