Show Man Shot Dead in South Africa


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PF Member

A BRITISH man touring with the smash hit musical Lord of the Dance has been shot dead in South Africa.

Darryl Kempster, 37, who was one of the stage crew, was gunned down by a robber during a short walk from a Johannesburg theatre to his hotel.

He was shot in the leg and chest and left to bleed to death by the gunman, who escaped with the victim's laptop.

Rest of Story here

Darryl was a close friend of mine. At the moment all we know has come from news sources and we are trying to find as much as we can until someone can find his family and we can resolve the matter. If anyone comes across any more news can they either post the link here or Pm it to me.

Thank you.

He was a good man. And for the record the laptop was a crappy old Psion. Hardly the right price for his life.
mousefur> My sincerest condolences on the loss of your friend. My best wishes are with you and with his family.
That's terrible, I'm so sorry for the loss of someone so close to you.. :( I wish your family strength through this horrible ordeal...

I will certainly post any news articles I see come across my desk on this topic...
fur, it is so sad to hear about it. :bawl:
My best wishes with You and his family
Until mousefur gets the chance to pop in herself, I know she'd want to thank you all for your support - it's been a rough couple of days for my gal :(
Thank you to everyone for their kind words and help in finding more info.
Sorry for my late reply, no really been in the right frame of mind for puters.

Thanks all

much love,
m x