Slashdot Crowd Laughs at Biogas Vehicles


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
August 06 (telegraph/slashdot) - Hugh Pickens writes "The Telegraph reports that Volkswagen is giving new meaning to the term 'Dung Beetle' with a prototype able to cover 10,000 miles annually on the waste from 70 households. The Bio-Bug was launched by Wessex Water, which is generating methane from human waste at a sewage treatment works near Bristol. 'Our site has been producing biogas for many years, which we use to generate electricity to power the site and export to the National Grid,' says one company official. 'We decided to power a vehicle on the gas, offering a sustainable alternative to using fossil fuels which we so heavily rely on in the UK.' The Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Association says the launch of the Bio-Bug proves that biomethane from sewage sludge can be used as fuel. 'This is a very exciting and forward-thinking project demonstrating the myriad benefits of anaerobic digestion (releasing energy from waste). Biomethane cars could be just as important as electric cars.'"

Slashdot article
Telegraph article

Why on Earth has that been moved to Slashdot's Idle section and exposed to ridicule, when many countries (especially in Central and South America) run most of their cars already on biofuel?

There's a word for it, but I'm not saying it! :devil: