Small earthquake rattles New York


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New York, Jan. 17 – Pictures rattled, bottles shook and residents from Queens to Newark, N.J., were rattled Wednesday morning by a small earthquake that measured 2.5 on the Richter scale.

DAN DAVIS, A geology professor at Stony Brook University in Long Island, said the incident occurred at 7:34 a.m. and lasted a few seconds. The epicenter appeared to be about 10 miles outside of Newark.

“This was an extremely unexceptional event except for the fact that it occurred in such a densely populated area,” Davis said.

He said such events in this area are not exactly rare: “We usually get an event big enough to be felt by people in New York City at least once or twice a decade.” The last quake was a 4.0 tremor in 1985 based in Ardsley, a Westchester suburb, north of the city.

Davis said one of the largest quakes in the area was a 5.2 magnitude quake in 1884, which he said was at least 500 times stronger than this event.

The first reports appeared to come from resident in Long Island City, Queens.

Standing in front of a building where residents reported “significant shaking,” Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said there was no need for New Yorkers to worry because even a more powerful earthquake registering 4 or 5 on the Richter scale “would not have an impact on large buildings.”

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