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sound choice disk

That would be great-just give me a phone or e mail for the details-thats the last(snag) in our main library.
sorry Dave just checked the spares and no SC8615 I hope DJCC has one for you
i won't be able to check til friday, we are moving to the other side of the state and my cd's are already there. but will let you know friday!!
Just checked, Sorry I only have the one. :(

I have a friend in KC, I will check with him.
If you can't find the original disc, you can order the same songs through SC custom (or just the actual songs you wanted/needed ooff of the disc)! I just replaced/ordered a full Spotlight 8148 compilation since I accidently cracked my original a couple weeks ago :(
Lonman--won't SC replace a cracked disc for a small fee or was it one they didn't have in stock any more?
They will replace any damaged disc, send back the broken pieces & $5.95 PER disc and it will be replaced. However it must be in current production.
Not sure if the OP is looking to replace or just flat out buy. Which is why I suggested the custom for either scenerio. I've already bought 3 discs since they've returned one of those being a song for song replacement of 8148. 3 more are in the cue ready to purchase.
Thanks for the input. It is so confusing on the custom disk replacements on out of print music that I would really like an original in any condition. Doesnt even have to play.
Doesn't have to play, then what would the point be? If it's a broken original, you are technically supposed to pull the songs out of your computer since you would no longer have a working original.
Lonman....I asked this question direct to Kurt and Debi when in NC...your O.M disc does not have to be in working condition as long as you have it. We had 3 discs that were broken after we converted....we were told as long as you have it in any condition you are legal and do not have to pull the songs (these 3 were in multiple pieces and taped with scotch tape to fit in our rack)
Lonman said:
Doesn't have to play, then what would the point be? If it's a broken original, you are technically supposed to pull the songs out of your computer since you would no longer have a working original.

Um, no. You may have to have an original to keep SC happy, but even they don't require that it be working.
Hmm, thought I had read somewhere that it still had to be in working order. Wish I would've known that before I paid $75 to replace my 8148. Oh well, now I have a good working original again.
Would make sense though if it would have to be pulled, if you were disc based and your disc broke, then you wouldn't have those songs anymore. Guess I don't agree with this part of the 1:1 even though I run computer.
I even looked at that Australian site-I did not think the selection was broad enough.-And getting around U.S. copyright seems fishy.-still looking for sc8615
Not broad enough? It's SC entire selection (direct from SC) plus the list from Abraxa (SBI other brand)! And they aren't getting around US copyright laws.
Good luck in your search! I didn't see it in any of my hard to find disc sources.
Lonman said:
Not broad enough? It's SC entire selection (direct from SC) plus the list from Abraxa (SBI other brand)! And they aren't getting around US copyright laws.
Good luck in your search! I didn't see it in any of my hard to find disc sources.

They may not be "getting around US copyright laws" per se, but they certainly are avoiding properly licensing and paying the publishers what they are due otherwise, they'd simply sell them on net from the U.S. instead of halfway around the world right? The same is true with the Gem series which is "licensed" in the U.K. specifically to avoid paying the U.S. publishers for licensing here in the U.S. where they originally made them AND sell them.

The largest double-standard on the planet.
c. staley said:
They may not be "getting around US copyright laws" per se, but they certainly are avoiding properly licensing and paying the publishers what they are due otherwise, they'd simply sell them on net from the U.S. instead of halfway around the world right? The same is true with the Gem series which is "licensed" in the U.K. specifically to avoid paying the U.S. publishers for licensing here in the U.S. where they originally made them AND sell them.

The largest double-standard on the planet.

you are mistaken. The copyright holders are recieving income from songs they wouldn't have gotten anything from if the were tried to be sold directly from the states because those same copyright holders won't ALLOW them to be used for karaoke.

To the best of my knowledge the copyright holder for the lyrics still gets paid, its just that in places like the uk liscensing deals with both in a fairer manner. *For examble when zoom produces a karaoke track thev own ALL the rights to that track for each copy that they pay for*

The bottom line is the copyright holders are still getting paid.

jclaydon said:
you are mistaken. The copyright holders are recieving income from songs they wouldn't have gotten anything from if the were tried to be sold directly from the states because those same copyright holders won't ALLOW them to be used for karaoke.

To the best of my knowledge the copyright holder for the lyrics still gets paid, its just that in places like the uk liscensing deals with both in a fairer manner. *For examble when zoom produces a karaoke track thev own ALL the rights to that track for each copy that they pay for*

The bottom line is the copyright holders are still getting paid.


Really? So the copyright holders are forced to take something from overseas that they wouldn't even bother with to license in the U.S.?

Well then, why don't I simply download SC tracks and send them the equivalent of 25 cents per standard 15-track disc as a "licensing fee" and call it even? That way, I can readily state that "I've paid them" for the rights to use their stuff and they are "receiving income" too. And as you say; "the bottom line is the (copy)right holder is still getting paid" whether they like it or not.

Just as Slep himself said:
In an effort to bring back more “out of print” Sound Choice titles that had been discontinued due to expired licenses or low
sales, our UK branch is licensing the songs through MCPS (which is easier and less expensive than US publishers....)

His "effort" is simply to sell songs that he can no longer license directly from the proper publishers, period.