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'Speed freak' killer leads searchers to bodies


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A death row inmate has led authorities to an area of Northern California believed to be the burial sites of two victims of the notorious "Speed Freak Killers," as searchers focused Saturday on an abandoned well for any additional remains.
A partial human skull and bones were found buried Friday on a remote property in Calaveras County.
A day earlier, searchers found a skull and bones at another site in the area about 60 miles south of Sacramento.
They were led there by inmate Wesley Shermantine, who was convicted of murdering 16-year-old Chevelle "Chevy" Wheeler.
Authorities say he and childhood friend Loren Herzog killed the girl as part of a methamphetamine-fueled killing spree in the 1980s. The two were arrested in 1999.
Deputy Les Garcia, spokesman for the San Joaquin County sheriff's department, said.
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I'd rather be executed than live in prison for the rest of my life. So the fact that a lot of these types have been on death row for a long time isn't necessarily a bad thing, in my view.
Why? Prison can be exciting as well, plus you won't get bored if you have access to books or are allowed to work.
Just ask my friend from Germany when he was in prison in the United States. Yet he always received free healthcare 15-years ago, and the guards were always nice to him, other then that there was somethings upset him in prison. After he spent 5-years, he was sent back to Germany.
I've seen a report recently about prisons in Germany, they aren't bad apparently, often like tiny hotel rooms. Sometimes inmates can even leave the door open for a few hours every day, if there's no problems with them. And they often can get into re-socialization programs to help them get re-integrated into society.
Some inmates adjust to prison life better than others, which is frusterating to me. I wish they all found it to be unbearable.