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**** Squirrels


It's certainly much better to kick **** than to be
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My neighbor was telling me yesterday that squirrels are going crazy hiding their nuts in the flower boxes she has surrounding her deck. Every day she comes out to more dirt knocked out of them and onto the deck.

I've noticed them being very active burying nuts around the yard but while making dinner I looked out at my back patio and saw a squirrel hiding his nuts in a flower pot. ****, that's not gonna be there in December. :lol:
We have a neighbor that feeds the squirrels ear corn...they bury the kernels wherever...then a few weeks later you see shoots all over the lawn, in the flower beds...even the crooks of the trees...
My neighbor was telling me yesterday that squirrels are going crazy hiding their nuts in the flower boxes she has surrounding her deck. Every day she comes out to more dirt knocked out of them and onto the deck.

I've noticed them being very active burying nuts around the yard but while making dinner I looked out at my back patio and saw a squirrel hiding his nuts in a flower pot. ****, that's not gonna be there in December. :lol:

Do you think the nut hoarding is a sign of a severe winter as has been forecasted in previous threads? I noticed a squirrel running over one block with a nut to store it away. There has to be a closer food source than my side yard.
Do you think the nut hoarding is a sign of a severe winter as has been forecasted in previous threads? I noticed a squirrel running over one block with a nut to store it away. There has to be a closer food source than my side yard.

Crap I hope not. If we're gonna predict Winter based on these squirrels - we're screwed!
I was really laughing more that someone starting a thread about critters making a mess digging in flowerpots..... even funnier cause it was you, Joan! :lol:

it's just an ADDED BONUS that it might mean a snowy winter :stretch:
Do you have a "bath" for squirrels too cookiemom? :bee:
It's not like I'm trying to annihilate them.
I'm just making fun of them.

yeah, I know, Joan..... it was still funny :giggles:

no, mrsmom, dang squirrels are too good at jumping for the bucket trick :tap:

did catch one in one of those live traps once... he was pisssedddddddddd :hides:
We have one particular squirrel who does this. I knocked on the kitchen window to get him out of my flower pot and he just looked at me like, "WTF are you lookin' at?" and kept right on digging. He also comes right up the front steps when our dog is on the front porch. I know it's the same one because he has a spot on his side where there's no fur. Probably from being attacked by a dog on someone's front porch. Definite ****!
I read somewhere recently that squirrels are either left or right handed. Not thought about it but would have figured they were ambidextrous (bless you spell check).
I am sick of them digging holes--and taking all my tulip bulbs. You can have as many acorns as you want--but quit digging my bulbs--even went through the chix wire--that I was told they wouldn't get through! I want my tulips in the spring--SO GO AWAY squirrels. We had a guy come to the door to sell some stuff--and he commented--wow your squirrels and chip munks are not afraid--they stay and don't move--they just look at us---he said most will leave--Not ours--they just stay on the stoop---guess I should be glad they are staying outside--except the chipmunks--they keep going under the stoop---Hope then don't ever try to find a way to get in the house---Then there would be buckets everywhere--to have then drown---and I think i would leave for a little bit and let dh handle that one!!!
I am sick of them digging holes--and taking all my tulip bulbs. You can have as many acorns as you want--but quit digging my bulbs--even went through the chix wire--that I was told they wouldn't get through! I want my tulips in the spring--SO GO AWAY squirrels. We had a guy come to the door to sell some stuff--and he commented--wow your squirrels and chip munks are not afraid--they stay and don't move--they just look at us---he said most will leave--Not ours--they just stay on the stoop---guess I should be glad they are staying outside--except the chipmunks--they keep going under the stoop---Hope then don't ever try to find a way to get in the house---Then there would be buckets everywhere--to have then drown---and I think i would leave for a little bit and let dh handle that one!!!

LOL, if they're gonna stay they could at least make themselves useful and chase away the salesmen. :lol:
it's just an ADDED BONUS that it might mean a snowy winter :stretch:

a snowy winter is all well and good, but could you please try to keep it to wishing for 6 - 8" at a time at the very most? Some of us WILL need to make a trip to the hospital in late January or early February and the timing will not be negotiable :surrender:

I'm due 2 days before the 2 year anniversary of the 2 foot snowfall :hah: You can have all the snow you want, just ask for it to arrive after labor day. kthxbai.
oooooooooo kkkkkkkkkkkkk :huggy: