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SUPERSIZE ME-the movie



This movie totally kicks a@@. I saw it yesterday. This guy Morgan Spurlock decided to eat McDonalds three times a day for 30 days- nothing else. The documentary takes you through his journey, with some interesting statistics and lots of funny stuff thrown in. He points out how obesity in the US is at its all time high and how much this affects the health care system (gall bladder surgery, diabetes, etc). Really interesting stuff.

You see him walking to work and passing 3 or 4 McD's on his way in a 3 mile radius! You see him travel the country tracking what he eats at each McD's and he supersizes only when asked. You watch him throw up and have mood swings. You watch him try to think and function. He is monitored by MD's the whole time (who give blood tests at the beginning and every so many days and are astounded at his weight gain, cholesterol level, and liver toxicity). He started off really healthy and ended up sick at the end. Good thing his girlfriend, the vegan chef, whipped him back into shape!!!
Interestingly enough, McD's has now posted nutrition labels!!
I've wanted to see this movie since I heard about it 6 months ago or so. The idea itself sounded extremely intriguing, and the whole aftermath of the film seems really interesting, how McDonalds has essentially changed a lot of things to become more health conscious.

My favorite move was the adult happy meal which is a salad, bottle of water, and a nutritional pamphlet. Ironically, they say the move has nothing to do with the film.
glad to hear this is good
BB has wanted to get me to go see this with her so maybe i'll concider it
Exactly Dan, it's no surprise they are also phasing out Supersizing. Who needs a 40 oz drink anyway?
I find the whole corporate food chain enterprise disgusting. It feeds into the ever-growing problem of obesity related issues and the greed mentality that perpetuates them. I had noticed that McD's here has changed it's menus into all that healthy green looking stuff, but I also heard that the amount of calories from fat in a chicken salad there was about the same as burger anyway, so nothing has really changed apart from their PR tack.

The film sounds interesting... I hope it educates a few folks who are eating that cr*p all that time! If everyone knew about the nature of the meat used and the processing it goes through, they would never eat there anyway.
Diesel said:
My favorite move was the adult happy meal which is a salad, bottle of water, and a nutritional pamphlet.
and a toy! which is currently a pedometer :lol:
I thought the "toy" was the nutritional pamphlet.
Pretty lame toy if you ask me.

Don't most adults want the toy from the kids happy meal anyway?!?
Yeah, MJ and the guy in the movie was given a pedometer..hmmm. He recorded how many steps he took each day.
Ya only need to take ONE step - the hell outta that place to eat some real food somewhere else!
I saw it too. I liked it a lot. Really exposed the fast food industry, and other mass-producing food industries. I've definately changed my diet since seeing that movie. I think they should show that movie to health classes around the US, maybe the kids will get a better sense of what they're doing to themselves and the dangers of eating that way.
the movie is a wate of time,dint like the whole idea.munch munch munch