Tax cuts/unemployment extension


Emerging Talker
PF Member
So, the Bush tax cuts have been extended for another two years and unemployment has been extended for another 13 months. Where do you stand on this? I think it was a good compromise between the current administration and the GOP. I'm not quite sure why Obama is ok with the tax cuts running out again in an election year, but I guess that'll be his problem when we get there.

As for unemployment, I'm not sure how I feel about that because I have a job. It would be easy for me to say that it's just too long for people to collect, but I'm not in their shoes. I think I'll just stay on the fence about that subject for now.
So, the Bush tax cuts have been extended for another two years and unemployment has been extended for another 13 months. Where do you stand on this? I think it was a good compromise between the current administration and the GOP. I'm not quite sure why Obama is ok with the tax cuts running out again in an election year, but I guess that'll be his problem when we get there.

As for unemployment, I'm not sure how I feel about that because I have a job. It would be easy for me to say that it's just too long for people to collect, but I'm not in their shoes. I think I'll just stay on the fence about that subject for now.

touchy subject...

first off, wasnt obama just voted in? so is there another election in 13 months(or that year). I thought it was every 4 years. Im Canadian and we dont hear too much about american politics. We only hear about the big stuff.

I all for tax cuts. The government makes so much money every year its ridiculous. Maybe if all of the people who work high up in the government didnt recieve such huge paycheques, there wouldnt be so many problems. ANd then you throw in the scandals, theft, and "bonuses" they get every couple months...its just beyond belief. So tax cuts for the average "joe" is always welcomed news for me.

As for unemployment, I am on the fence with this one. Some people abuse the system, and some people legitimately cant find work. I think for me, any decision would be biased. Maybe the governments just need to make recieving this unemployment super difficult. So not everyone can get one. If it is a lot of work, people will be less inclined to do it. Especially if they are abusers of the system, they wont want to put in the effort to fight for it whereas a simgle mother may be more inclined to fight for her and her child.
Hi, Mike :) I lived in Whitby, Ontario for four years! Where are you located?

Yes, the president has a four year term. Obama has been in office for two years, so when these tax cuts run out again, two years from now, it will be an election year.

Apparently I jumped the gun with this thread though. I was going on the assumption that the democrats were going to back Obama's compromise with the republicans, but it seems not. There was much controversy on Capitol Hill yesterday. So, it's back to the drawing board and we'll have to wait and see what they come up with.

On the unemployment topic, I feel much the same as you do. But, as I said before, maybe I only feel that way because I'm not in the unfortunate situation of actually being unemployed. With the proposed 13 month extension that would mean people could receive unemployment for up to 99 weeks. That's almost two years and I'm just having a hard time swallowing that it would take a motivated individual that long to find a job.
Well I can speak from the side of someone that has been unemployed for over a year and CAN NOT find work. It is not as simple in this horrible state I live in! I apply to at least 4 jobs a week and have for a long time. I have even been told I am over qualified for a job (becuase I have a bachelors degree with a dual major/dual minor) which I thought was ridiculous. I have a family of 4 to try to support and if I wasn't willing to do the job I wouldn't have applied!! Yes some people abuse it but their are some of us that legitimately can not get a job and I was 'let go' unfairly to begin with so it is an awful frustration to be in this position and then to not have an income at all makes life even harder.