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Tennis advice needed :o)

The Crow

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Hi Sporty Soupers

I have to say I love sports. I'm all the way from SA and it's always nice to watch sports from other countries. I'm talking about NBA , NFL ... all those.

I have something else I want to refer to actually. I'm sure there must be some tennisplayer around here. A fairly good one I hope! :eek:) Well ... I am a strong tennis player , very strong serves. But I have a slight problem....

The problem is with normal shots. When I get a slow ball from the opponent I just can't seem to hit the ball with the power and trajectory like I could have a year ago. Anybody with the same experiences? I'm not sure if it's my eyes that I don't keep on the ball or if its the way I play my shots.

I'm taking a wild chance here as to wonder if anybody would be able to give me some advice....

Go sporty!
The Crow
Hey Crow,

I play often and have taught numerous people the basics of tennis.

When you say, slow shot, are you talking about a dropped shot or lob or just a weak return? Are you catching it after a bounce? problem with return on a Forehand or backhand or both?

1st place to look is your hand grip. Does it feel comfortable?
2nd place, your position to the ball for the return.
Probably catching it too wide.

I can think of a number of other reasons but without being able to watch your technique/form it'll take a while to pinpoint the prob...then again, it could be old age sneaking in.

Hey Al

It's definitely not the old age hehe! I'm 18 years old now.

I know it's difficult to help somebody without really seeing them. I mean by slow shot it's a weak return. Lobs might come in as well... I thus mean by slow that there isn't a lot of power from the opponent. And what I seem to have lost is my ability to hit back my power shots in situations like those! Strange I tell you...

Yes , I am catching them after the bounce and the problem is mostly on my forehand. I am righthanded. I don't think the problem is with the grip , as I've been doing professional tennis a couple of years back. So I know where my grip should be and it feels comfortable.

Might be my stance ... I don't know. It just feels weird after I played the shot. It's like I have a tendancy to lift up the racket and don't play forward.... like playing a lob shot with topspin.

Now what happens is if I play the shot I either hit it into the net or I hit it way too high and out. I don't feel comfortable when I go through with the shot ... the moment I move the racket towards the ball to play the shot it feels as if the arm is unsure of how it should play the shot. I don't like it as I am a very good player and my serves only can't help me win matches

Hope this works for now ... thanks

The Crow
Ok, old age may not be the prob.

It sounds like what I was having trouble with from time to time. Sounds like when you're setting up for a return, you're probably bringing the racket back too low and catching it too early on the bounce and you're probably getting too close to the ball also...well, that was my remedies for the problem I was having. I was also trying to put too much topspin on the ball, especially when I'm close to the net.

Hope this helps.

<FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">[This message has been edited by Al on February 26, 2001 at 07:44 PM]</font>
Al , thanks ... I will check it out through the week and tell you by the weekend how did it turn out.

Just one thing , I don't really hit the ball too early on the bounce. As for the rest ... seems like possibilities. But like I said , I will test your advice.

Thanks ... until the weekend.

The Crow