Texas mother in custody after 5 children found dead


Chief Talker
PF Member
HOUSTON, Texas (CNN) -- A 36-year-old mother is in custody after police went to her home and found her five children dead, authorities said Wednesday.

Police believe the children, ranging in age from 6 months to 7 years old, were drowned in a bathtub.

Officers went to the home after getting a call from the woman shortly before 10 a.m. (11 a.m. EDT), saying "she needed police at the location," said Houston Police spokesman Robert Hurst.

"She did not say why," he said.

"The responding patrol officer came to the door and the woman who was still breathing rather heavily at that time said, 'I just killed my children,'" police spokesman John Cannon said.

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"I suspect that many an ailurophobe hates cats only because he feels they are better people than he is; more honest, more secure, more loved, more whatever he is not."

--Winifred Carriere
This is so heinous and disgusting. To methodically kill 5 children -- your *own* children. And to do it via the same exact meathod repeatedly, 5 consecutive times. I can't think of any more convincing proof that an action was doing consiously, rationally, and with intent, than the ability to do the same thing repetatively, let alone 5 times. And the sad thing is, despite this clear proof of rational thought, defenders will likely use the insanity defense, with post-partum depression as its cornerstone.

I think this woman should die, I am a beleiver in the death penatly for cases exactly such at this, which demonstrate clear and undeniable intent. People can talk about "rehabilitation" all they want, but there are points at which retribution on behalf of the victims overshadows the importance for rehabilitation of the offender, in my opinion.

In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man;
if you want anything done, ask a woman. -Margaret Thatcher

"Holy dung!" -- Monsiuerjohn
"Wooostah!" -- Anonymous Morrismen

En fuego, bebé.
You got to admit, you have to be a little insane ot kill 5 of your own childern! But murder is murder, she cut short 5 peoples lives, thus she forfited her own. what gives her the right to take a life and still live herself?...Mercy? I don't think it applies to monsters.
insane in our colloquial usage of the term, but the crime reeks of pre-meditation... 5 consecutive killings...hardly an insane rage.

In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man;
if you want anything done, ask a woman. -Margaret Thatcher

"Holy dung!" -- Monsiuerjohn
"Wooostah!" -- Anonymous Morrismen

En fuego, bebé.
I don't know - I'm not a big fan of capital punishment. I don't believe it should be banned outright - only used in cases like Timothy McVeigh's. There are only probably ten people in Australian prisons who I think should be put to death - and they're all menaces to society. I wouldn't put her to death - but I'd give her a long, long sentence.
jeez, talk about serious mental health issues. hate to go against the grain here, but what if it wasn't premeditated at all and in her precarious state of mind at the time, she thought it was the right thing to do? even more scary if you ask me.

there was a discussion about this on mycoupons as well. an interesting point made by one poster was that these people never seem to hurt themselves, only others <shrug>


"only a white man would build a fire for everyone to see."

[crawl]resident spiderMOD[/crawl] "to know her is to FEAR her."
Hmmmmm I dont like the death penalty one bit. I do however like the idea of locking her away for life x 5 I mean make her live with what she did. Sometimes I think that death is too easy of a punishment. Im sure that they are gonna pull the plea of insanity. Hopefully that doesnt work, and she does some good hard time.

Mother Should I Trust The Government - Pink Floyd

Everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon - Pink Floyd

Those times I burned my guitar it was like a sacrafice. You sacrafice the things you love. I love my guitar - Jimi Hendrix
I don't want to pay out of my own wallet to keep a monster sustained for the rest of her natural life.

In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man;
if you want anything done, ask a woman. -Margaret Thatcher

"Holy dung!" -- Monsiuerjohn
"Wooostah!" -- Anonymous Morrismen

En fuego, bebé.
I wonder if she was really a monster -I wonder how she was before the postpartum depression.. I wonder if she had been a good mother-it's a hard thing to figure out. That state of mind is supposed to be devastating and as if one is in a "fog"- almost a different state of mind. And the poor children, it just sucks.
,the whole situation.

"You said your body is young but your mind is very old" - Chemical Bros.
Father of Slain Children Speaks

HOUSTON (AP) - The husband of the woman accused of drowning their five children said tearfully Thursday that he supports her because her severe depression had driven her to kill.

"One side of me blames her because she did it, but the other side of me says she didn't. ... She wasn't in the right frame of mind," Russell Yates told reporters.

Pointing to Andrea Pia Yates on a family picture, he said, "The woman here is not the woman who killed my children."

Ms. Yates, 36, was charged with murder Wednesday night in connection with the deaths of the children, all apparently drowned in a bathtub.

Authorities said she summoned police Wednesday and led an officer to a bed in a back bedroom. Found under a sheet were the wet bodies of Mary, 6 months; Luke, 2; Paul, 3; and John, 5. The fifth child, Noah, 7, was found in a bathtub.

Her husband, a computer specialist at NASA, arrived about the same time as police but was kept out of the home. His wife was later led away in handcuffs from the one-story Spanish-style home.

Outside the house Thursday, Yates said his wife's father died recently, and "that really sent her spiraling down." Medication that had worked for her during an earlier bout of depression after their fourth child was born also didn't work, he said.

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"I suspect that many an ailurophobe hates cats only because he feels they are better people than he is; more honest, more secure, more loved, more whatever he is not."

--Winifred Carriere
poor guy lost his kids and his " used to be" wife. It's hard enough loseing one person you love, but 6! One day you come home and every thing is fine and normal, the next day all hell has broken loose, man, poor guy.
Yeah, poor guy. Especially after seeing that article, I'm sure she doesn't deserve the death penalty. Being committed to an asylum for a long, long time would be more fitting.