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The dial-up modem ain't dead yet


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There will be plenty of waves for analog modems to surf, thanks to a new dial-up modem standard and U.S. Robotics' plans to bring one of the first boards to the beach.

U.S. Robotics announced Wednesday that it has completed testing of modems based on the new V.92 standard, ratified late last year by the International Telecommunication Union. The modem chipmaker plans to ship products by the end of the first quarter.

The new standard increases the upload speed of data transmissions, allows a data call to be put on hold to take an inbound voice call and shortens the time it takes to make a connection.

It also should help ensure that the industry is not standing over the grave of dial-up technology.

"There is still a lot of room for the acceptance of dial-up modems," said Roger Kay, an analyst at IDC. "A majority of home and small offices are still and will continue to get online through dial-up modems."

Recent figures from Gartner suggest that dial-up modems will be around for a while. Data from the research firm indicates that 55 percent of all people getting online will be doing so through dial-up connections even by the year 2004.

The reasons are simple, according to Amy Helland, an analyst at Cahners In-Stat.

Analog dial-up modems are the only truly ubiquitous method of getting online, she said, because all someone needs is a phone line and because with no additional service fees or set-up procedures, as with DSL or cable connections, it's also the easiest.

"The horse hasn't made it to the glue factory just yet," said Kevin Lacey, a director of product development at U.S. Robotics, referring to the life expectancy of analog dial-up modems.

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