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The most athletic players?


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Who do you think are the players who have the most gifted athleticism in the NBA? LeBron is an easy answer. That guy can get his head at rim level on many of his dunks, and he gets the most unlikely chase-down blocks. Who else do you think, are among the most athletic?
LeBron is the man! He is the best all around player in the NBA right now.
Another super athletic player would be Blake, he is bad bad bad
Lebron is definitely the most athletic by far. Big, strong, fast, jumps high, the total package really. Maybe his agility isn't elite, but still pretty good for someone his size.
LeBron, Blake Griffin, D-Wade and Derrick Rose are all on the same level of athleticism to me. They all know how to get to the rim and pull off amazing shots in the air as if they never left the ground to begin with.
No but seriously besides lebron, I would say Derek Rose, Russell Westbrook and Dwight Howard.
Lebron, Kobe and Dwight Howard need to be on everyone's list. I have a somewhat lesser known name for this topic though. I have always felt Andre Iguodala is a superior athlete. This guy is the complete package. He's big, fast, strong and has a great verticle leap. Iggi is one of my favorite players in the NBA and has been for quite some time now. I would love to see him on the Warriors (my favorite team) in the future. Here's to wishful thinking.
Lebron, Kobe and Dwight Howard need to be on everyone's list. I have a somewhat lesser known name for this topic though. I have always felt Andre Iguodala is a superior athlete. This guy is the complete package. He's big, fast, strong and has a great verticle leap. Iggi is one of my favorite players in the NBA and has been for quite some time now. I would love to see him on the Warriors (my favorite team) in the future. Here's to wishful thinking.

Hell yeah, I forgot all about Andre Iguodala. He has pulled off some amazing plays that I've seen over the years. He truly is one of those players than can jump high, run fast, and knows how to finish a play the right way. Good post. ;)
Shannon Brown is freakishly athletic. If you haven't seen any of his college highlights he played for Michigan State and was pretty awesome. He's definitely worth checking out.

It depends on what kind of athletic you're talking about? If you're after big dunks Blake Griffin is obviously up there, but a guy like Kevin Durant is sneaky athletic too.
A guy who is no longer around but was a true freak athlete when he came into the league - Antonio McDyess

A very athletic guy is Alonso Gee for the Cavs (he should be in the slam dunk contest). This guy throws the hammer down with the best of them and has been improving like crazy the past 2 seasons.. He has 6th man of the year potential in the future IMO.
I have to agree with LeBron James. The guy is simply a genetic freak, how can a person simply be THAT tall, THAT fast, THAT big, and have THAT much jumping ability? He's one of those rare athletes that could probably dominate any sport that they choose to play. Outside of golf and tennis, he would be unstoppable at everything.
I think Kobe is one of the most athletic NBA players out there. He always been playing hard throughout the years he's been playing in the NBA even though he's getting older.
In addition to the names already given, Josh Smith is really athletic I'd say.
If anyone is curious about Jeremy Evans, who has just recently been added to the slam dunk contest, this should be a nice teaser.


I've had the privilege of watching him for a couple of years now and although he isn't a great player, he can dunk with the best of them.
No question. LeBron and Durant. 6'8 and 6'9 who can play with the ball coast to coast, dishes, dunks and shoots. Never seen a player can move fast and be athletic especially LBJ.
To the guys who mentioned Iguodala, I totally forgot about him. That guy is strong like a bull and very few would get in his way when he's driving for a dunk.
Blake Griffin anyone? He is a monster athletically and very strong. His vertical and power aren't too shabby either!