The Pope Visits Germany


Part Of The Furniture
PF Member
ARD has an article on the first day of the Pope's third visit in his home country, Germany (Google-translated). It was the first time ever that a Pope spoke to a parliament assembly.

ARD has created a special web page for the Pope visit (Google-translated). On this page you can find the complete speech before the parliament (Google-translated, note that the Google translator has been vandalized again and that Berlin has been translated with New York in some places! ;) ).

The complete speech on YouTube (German) :

CNN article :

Berlin (CNN) -- On his first state visit to his homeland, Pope Benedict XVI met Thursday with Germany's prime minister and president and spoke to legislators, but insisted that his purpose was not economic or political, but spiritual.
"Even though this journey is an official visit which will reinforce the good relations existing between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Holy See, I have not come here primarily to pursue particular political or economic goals," he said during remarks at Bellevue Castle, the president's official residence, "but rather to meet people and to speak about God."
"The Federal Republic of Germany has become what it is today thanks to the power of freedom shaped by responsibility before God and before one another."
I've seen the speech live on television yesterday, and I was impressed like almost everybody. The Pope held a very intellectual, interesting speech. :)

I've also seen the complete mass in Berlin's stadium on television. It was very interesting as well.


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Religion can be a very complex topic ... everybody believes in something: For instance, a person who doesn't believe in god believes that god doesn't exist. The person who made that shirt probably believes that there's no need for a deity and wonders why other people believe in deities.

Some people believe in money or science. Some believe in politics or political themes.

Beliefs shape in a very direct way the experiences that people make.

For instance, if someone believes that the world is a bad place, they will see bad things everywhere.

Belief is one of the key issues of human existence ... and all this diversity in this world, all these manifold existences (incarnations) that try to understand their own existence and try to live a life according to their own personal goals, contribute to knowledge and experience of All That Is. People are connected in a spiritual manner set forth by the group consciousnesses of their like-minded.

Mathematics or even computer science can be used to describe such things in simpler terms. :)