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The Sims


Chief Talker
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I bought it yesterday and am addicted already.

Does anyone else play it? Has anyone gotten the expansion pack?

Next I want to get Roller Coaster Tycoon or Sim Theme Park. If anyone has one of these and wants to swap or if you have one of these and there's something else you want, e-mail me and I"ll give it a try.

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."

- Woodrow Wilson
So I'm the only one who likes it, eh? You're all into the shoot em up and kill em things...

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."

- Woodrow Wilson
I used to like it, but I couldn't keep up with my gf. She's already put one family all the way through half of the career paths.

On an long enough timeline, everyone's survival rate drops to zero.
heh, i think i didn't like it cuz i didn't know what to do.
well, at least I'm not the ONLY one. I've used the wonderful rosebud cheat to make mine rich

Is she going to get the expansion pack so she can give them more jobs? hehe

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."

- Woodrow Wilson
I don't know if I want to let her.
She's mostly past the addiction point now to where she barely ever plays it.
The first time she played it, she started playing when we got home a 6:30PM, and didn't get up from the chair for dinner, bathroom, or bed until 1AM.

I don't know if I want to support that kind of behavior. As much as I play games on my PC, I've never done a stint like that.

On an long enough timeline, everyone's survival rate drops to zero.
I was very glad at that point that I built a 2nd machine solely for her.
That, and the fact that she breaks any computer she touches.

On an long enough timeline, everyone's survival rate drops to zero.

Now I'm wishing we had a 2nd machine.

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."

- Woodrow Wilson
It's VERY addictive.

I had to force myself to get up and actually do something and to let my SO use the computer.

"If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."

- Woodrow Wilson

<font color="#000000">[Edited by liltaz on August 30, 2000 (edited 1 time)]</font>
so we have another player now. hehe

I was hoping someone would have LL to trade for something.

"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too."

- Samuel Butler
Boo-yaa! I bought this game last weekend, and I *love* it!

I created a character based on myself & ran things for a while...then I found out that life would be a bit easier if I had someone else living in the house with me, so I invited Bob Newbie over, and did the ol "rearrange the furniture so he's trapped and will die" maneuver - while at the same time hitting on his wife! ;) Eventually he keeled over, and ol' Poss got hitched...things are *much* easier in the Possum household now. :)

Yesterday I took an hour and built the house I grew up in from Niagara Falls - every wall, piece of furniture, it's all right there. Then I added my family - with another version of myself inclused - and let things run for a bit. It was uncanny - my lazy-**** brother immediately walked over to the TV, turned it on, and vegged out. My artistic brother went upstairs and messed with the easel. My sister hit the basketball hoop. It was actually disturbing seeing my Sim family acting *exactly* like my *real* family!

My next project is to start creating a "family" of Soupers, then seeing what kind of hell they can raise in a dorm...hee hee hee ;)

My knob tastes funny.
I think that souper thing would be fun, poss

"No man can be condemed for owning a dog.
As long as he has a dog, he has a friend;
and the poorer he gets, the better friend he has."

- Will Rogers

Loyalty and love are the best things of all, and surely the most lasting. -- My Dog Skip
good game. I like the soup idea. I played it for a while but it takes so much **** time that i just didnt have time to play much. Mabe i will play again soon.

accept what God and nature has given us each day with appreciation and gratitude, and never give up because somehow, somewhere were going to find fish and have a great time fishing!!!
Ah, one day I'll get around to returning to that lesbian commune.