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The Weather


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I just cannot stop talking about this amazing weather! DD13 had two softball games today & she is like a little pink lobstah!

I don't think I've EVER had dinner on my deck in March before. It's just remarkable. My kids are inside- I think there is something wrong with them, I can't stand being inside & now we're getting an extra couple weeks of outdoors. I hope it lasts.... :)

I started a bunch of seeds last night & did yard work all morning. I've never plated seeds before & I hate yard work, soooooo it's gotta be the weather!!

What kinds of fun are you having outdoors? I feel bad that my turtles are still inside with their fake sunlight, but I'm afraid if I get the pond up & running they will end up freezing their tails off. :giggles:
Yes, Loving it here too! did a lot of Yard work today, mostly clean up. We set up our fire pit and burned a bunch of twigs and branches. DD11 even went out on the chaise and sun bathed (not in her suit) but still...I have a df that already turned his AC on.....boy not me...we live across from the fox, so nice breeze coming in! We grilled a London Broil and ate out on the porch all we needed was some sweet corn and I would have been in Heaven...Just Beautiful. I know it won't last, in fact I think I heard the end of the week. Keep your fingers crossed.
Oh i hope it lasts a little longer! I really want to get my raised bed made this week.

I forgot that DD13 went "sunning" at her friend's house on Friday after school. :giggles:

My kids played outside all day with neighbor kids. I feel so blessed that we have such great kids and neighbors in our new hood. :bliss:
It has been wonderful! :bliss: Yesterday DH and I walked the mile and a half into town for dinner, for his birthday. He never would've agreed to that with normal March weather!
Bonnie I wanted to fire up the fire pit, too. I want to make S'Mores with those giant marshmallows we got free from Meijer :bliss: Maybe some night this week we will :fire:
Loving it! Windows open, sleeping in shorts, yard work, mistah caught the first fish of the year tonight! It's crazy and I love it! :bliss:

I will be crushed if it gets cold and the S word comes back :pout:
I sorted kids clothing for a long time this weekend. Washed coats snowpants etc to put away. Put away almost all winter clothes left iut jeans and some long sleeves but. Drawers are mostly filled with shorts and tshirts!
I was scrambling the other night trying to find lightweight pj's for DD...finally found some buried in one of her drawers! We have about 5 sets right now...could use a few more...hopefully grandma will get her a few more!
Bonnie I wanted to fire up the fire pit, too. I want to make S'Mores with those giant marshmallows we got free from Meijer :bliss: Maybe some night this week we will :fire:

Funny that you should say this....I said to DH, to bad we don't have any marshmallows.......he said, get the Peeps. :lol:
Funny that you should say this....I said to DH, to bad we don't have any marshmallows.......he said, get the Peeps. :lol:

You toasted Peeps?! that's pretty smart, and I'm wondering if the sugar coating kinda caramelized over the fire. that would be sooo good.
Our weather has been beautiful too (not quite as warm as you guys have been having but still gorgeous.) We're supposed to stay in the 60's to low 70's all week! :dance:Every time I brought the dogs out to pee today we ended up staying out there for a while. Apparently I'm enjoying the weather more than they are because they'd usually be standing at the back door waiting to go in while I was still sitting out there enjoying.
You toasted Peeps?! that's pretty smart, and I'm wondering if the sugar coating kinda caramelized over the fire. that would be sooo good.

No, I couldn't do it....they're for Easter! I bet they would be good though. :lol:
We pruned a huge bush, a tree, and cleaned up the clothesline. I cant wait to hang clothes outside!
I was outdoor pulling weeds and tried to figure out how and where we should have the vegetable garden. Trying to talk DH to assemble the patio furniture and have them out tonight so I could sit outside with laptop in this awesome weather!
Ran the kids to softball practice with radio up and windows down. Layed out in the sun! Cleaned the house with windows wide open. Walked. Visited family for a short but sweet time. AND I EVEN MANAGED TO GET REPORT CARDS DONE AHEAD OF TIME! and still got some sun! So proud of myself! Woo hoo! :)
Enjoy it while you can........before the plagues.......
DD13 made smores tonight & then we played SkipBo at the patio table. :bliss:

Autumn, can you believe it is FINALLY softball season?!! And we're not freezing our butts off, wrapped in down blankets with hats & hand warmers & thermos' full of hot chocolate?! :bliss:
yeah ummm dragonfly--I cant imagine spring soccer without coats--I cross my fingers...

dd tanned outside today instead of spending $$$ at a place--getting ready for Jr prom this weekend--I wish it would have been this weekend!!